harold jitschak bueno de
harold jitschak bueno de
Worth listening
Syita----Suria very professional
Europe , wake up!!
Hebron,, ,,Sara voorvaders
Prachtige opnames
excellent interview
Extreem duidelijk em eerlijk wat er aan de hand is
The Druze community in Israel
Biblical Israel
The most amazing .lifesaving spice
Water miracle in Israel
Zeer speciale ,prachtige historische video
thanks G-d ,al documented
Thanks to the ALMIGHTY and our brave soldiers
Know the truth!
If ypu did not know.....
Nice ,clear video for those who are confused
Ongelooflijke spanning! uitstekend real video
Jerusalem Day
Brave ,incredible wonan
Jerusalem of gold
Important intervieuw
Good to hear this side!
Clear language
Moed! Zie van 8.12 in video
Beautiful melody
Peasch ---Passover---what to celebrate?
Magnificent song We all know this beautiful song form Naomi Shemer---------
Chad Gadiya: grandioze uitvoering
Chad Gaiya : grandioze uitvoering
beautifull Yemnite Havdala song
True history
Fascinating discussion
Let the world know!
An unimaginable SPIRITUAL Giant!!
Before Purim
Psalm 1
Beethovern: IFO
Wonder dieet----haast vergeten
Voor onze wereld.....moge dit helpen voor een betere wereld
He has the right and wisdom to speak!!!
Thanks for such doctors!
For Israel,, for all good willing human beings
Once upon a time....
why is part the world "blind"?
Special homeopathy
IDF ---verdediging!
He seems to understand
Persian? Vashti------Best
Cucumber: "miracles" Lang zal die leven!~
A [temporarily]Hell on [under the] earth
Israel: analysis
Belangrijke Medische "weetjes": Sleep, nightlight,early morning light! breathing exercises ,24 hour
Dennark and the help of G-d
Tchaikovsky : Perlman!!
Neurology and simple herb
Magnificent performance!Beethoven
Ik z-weer
!! Amen
wortelen en politiek
The world should know !
Tomaten: Poison?
When the impossible seems possible
Will the world mow believe?
ACUPRESSURE POINT for sore throat
VIDEO----7 October 2023
IGNORED WARNIGS buy Israeli governments
Stof tot nadenken
An infant's cry
zwangerschap braken https://dr-bueno.com/2023/12/17/vomiting-during-pregnancy/
Dr Kedar " world expert on Islam
Reality comes out!!
Voor een ieder in onze wereld
Latest Israeli news
Food poisoning
Om denial te voorkomen in de toekomst
For the whole world and all Naive" ani-Israel protestors
dementia , preventing diseases
When homeopathy-thanks G-d- can do wonders!
9-1-2012 Please read and print out for your doctor!
9-1-2012 Vitamin B12 an epidemic of miss-diagnoses
2-1-2012 Postnatal depression
All the can heal
17-1-2012m Heel bijzonder....3 minuten
2-1-2012 Special [secret] Israeli army units [Helaas......!]
2-2-2012 When G-d fights for Israel.......Miracles...very fascinating history
9-1-2012 This is why people say, "Either companionship or death" (Taanis 23a).
Yad Vashem's Photographic Collection: On-Line
18-12-2011 ...........To the good land............beautiful,poetic song of prayer
12 january 2012 : Ofra Haza prayer-song with English under-titles
11 january 2012 Song of Esther Ofarim
18-12-2011 The animal kingdom in the Bible [Tora]
7-2-2012 15 shevat tu bishwat : New year for the trees [especially for the Jewish readers or those i
10-1-2012 “Tell me frankly, I appeal to you—answer me: Imagine that
10 Januarie 2012 Why ibuprofen [ibufen] and other NSAIDs are not as innocent as the manufacturer
11-January 2012 About statins and their problems
10 Januarie 2012 Je kat / hond heeft vlooien..........
16 january 2012 The Jewish Disorder Manual
6-2-2012 The beauty of mathematics ........G-d's Surprises
7-2-2012 GBS : what [ not ? ] to do? For all pregnant women and doctors
7-2-2012 Voor borst kanker patienten
7-2-2012 Babies lip-read before talking
7-2-2012 Digitalis voor kanker? Geen zelf -experimenten!!
7-2-2012 I agree........
7-2-2012 Migraine tijdens de menstruatie
12-4-2011 "Gassen stijgen op naar de hersenen"...........
The Pesach story [ from Ohr Sameach ]
14-4-2011 Israel-birth-of-a-nation.....fascinating video's
De valse dogmas in de moderne geneeskunde
22-4-2011 What is the connection/difference with/between the splitting of the Yam Suf [Red sea]a
Constipation [obstipatie] en Pesach
16-4-2011 What is the best way to get to Paradise?
16-4-2011 A rabbi, a minister, and a priest were playing poker when the police raided the game.
24-4-2011 A very trustable and nice herbal website [Christopher Hobbs]
27-4-2011 bijna ongelooflijk....... but little changed and the "world" allows it !
29-4-2011 In connection with the today British Royal From the internet : marriage ] The beracha rec
Yom HaShoa Memorial Day May 1st, 2011
5-5-2011 Celebrating Osama Bin Laden’s Death : Rabbi Steinsaltz's View
8-5-2011 The Volunteers: Answering the Call of History
8-5-2011 Israel op de vooravond van haar 63ste VERJAARDAG
9-5-2011 Israel : Independence day.......and history
9-5 -2011 Israel independence ,partially narrated by Abba Eban
9-5 -2011 Israel independence ,partially narrated by Abba Eban
9-5-2011: 1952 Israeli_Arabic hsitory
9-5-2011: 1952 Israeli_Arabic hsitory
9-5-2011 This wonderous "red root”: Beetroot-----Bieten
9-5-2011 The Arab Israeli Conflict: Egyptian Revolution 1952
9-5-2011 Israeli Air Force during Six Day war
9-5-2011 IAF - Stunning Victories..... When G-d fights for Israel and gives u
10-5-2011 Why mannose might be a far better choice for preventing urinary tract infections
10-5-2011 Before you boycott Israel!
10-5-2011: When the nation is specially thankful and happy
12-5-2011 "Suck your thumb hard" to relieve angina pectoris
29-5-2011 Israel's borders
30-5-2011 Copper found to be vital in Embryo
30-5-2011 Honey... dwash and all the good things about it
30-5-2011 Plotseling gehoor verlies sudden hearing loss
30-5-2011 What can we try against cucumber enterocolitis? Komkommers en Coli
31-5-2011 Snel Ivrit leren? [ Spoken Hebrew course]
31-5-2011 The beautiful song and words: Jerusalem of gold and the prophecy of its liberation......
31-5-2011 The Breaktrough to Jerusalem 1967
Very special!
Jewish Hip Hop
2-7-2011 koffie als preventie tegen Alzheimer
Olijf berg Har ha-zetim
11-7-2011 Beautiful Song and pictures [Naomi Shemer]
11-7-2011 "Profetische" blik : schitterende compositie van Naomi Shemer vlak voor de zes daagse oorl
12-7-2011 VitaminE and stroke [CVA] risk
8-8-2011 Borst kanker : wat niet te doen!
12-7-2011 What was created first: Heaven or Earth?
13-7-2011 Medically unexplained symptoms.......... [see article below my introduction]
13-7-2011 The efficacy of almonds, pistachios, and a mixture of both, on some risk factors of card
14-7-2011 Before Life, Life, and After-Life
15-7-2011 Who Has a Right to Jerusalem? (Interview Shocker)
15-7-2011 This comes from a famous textbook of medicinen : PARIS IN THE SPRING
15-7-2011 How can we easily reduce to a high degree mortality in hospitals!!???
12-7-2011 Kabbala for non-Jews
17-7-2011 Amandelen-Almonds : excellent Food!
16-7-2011 Isn't life full of surprises? A beautiful picture of life...some of your patients might
17-7-2011 How to lose weight while "sleeping” [not “precisely”...], how to stop smoking and more
17-7-2011 Very nice to spend a few minutes per day to this reading material
17-7-2011 "if he were to sell candles, the sun would never set; if he should deal in shrouds, no on
17-7-2011 Special melody [Nigun]
17-7-2011 Chassidic music
17-7-2011 Traditional Jewish music
20-7-2011 Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank
25-7-2011 We Cannot Afford to Outsource our Security to the International Community
21-7-2011 "The Truth About the West Bank"
24-7-2011 The Right Double Standard
21-7-2011 "The Truth About the West Bank"
24-7-2011 Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire – Focusing on the Jewish Revolution that Led
25-7-2011 Raid on Entebbe – Overview
25-7-2011 Entebbe: TV movie directed by Irvin Kershner
25-7-2011 Entebbe: TV movie directed by Irvin Kershner
25-7-2011 Entebbe: TV movie directed by Irvin Kershner
25-7-2011 Medische tips /osteoporosis
25-7-2011 Special wisdom : hey are like the ten commandments to follow in life all the time.
26-7-2011 An Arab woman from Qatar taught me how to mourn the Norwegian children.
31-7-2011 Norway : No- way of sole-searching
31-7-2011 Sounds spectacular!! Trigeminal Neuralgia -move the basilary artery and blood vessels
26-8-2011 Sesam : een zeer gezond product!
26-8-2011 : The incredible wonders of Creation!!! Toxoplasma affects the rat's brain so that the f
10-8-2011 Dwars ligging, Stuitligging
8-8-2011 The afternoon before.....9 Av
Excuse me, where are you born?
26-8-2011 : The incredible wonders of Creation!!! Toxoplasma affects the rat's brain so that the f
Cataracts could cause Insomnia in the Elderly
12-9-2011 The miracle of Ethipian Jews back to their home-land
tofu and tempe : all the same??
Rosh ha Shana melody Haben Yakir Li הֲבֵּן יַקִּיר לִיn from Jeremiah 31:20
19-9-2011 Jerusalem, the temple mount ,the Koran and more......
19-9-2911 101 belangrijke medische feiten
27-9-2011 KLEZMER JEWISH MUSIC FOLKLORE ZOHAR folk klezmer klezmer folklore music
The Lost Art of Forgiveness
4-10-2011 Regardless of make or year, all units known as "human beings" are being recalled by the M
4-10-2011......................so, too, a person’s compassion should be upon all the creations of th
5-10-2011 Short, very awesome video
6-10-2011 Video Feature: "Ancient" Prophecies or Present Reality?
Voor de Joodse lezers: vooravond van jom ha-kippoerim
11-10-2011 Resveratrol voor borst kanker
11-10-2011 How To Build an Airport Overnight? Ask the IDF
12-10-2011 Loofhutten feest [Soekkot-Suiccot]
18-10-2011 GiladShalit and the SeaTurtle
Besnijdenis [circumcisie]. ochtend speeksel en meer bijzonderheden
Besnijdenis [circumcisie]. ochtend speeksel en meer bijzonderheden
Besnijdenis [circumcisie]. ochtend speeksel en meer bijzonderheden
The chicken and the ticket: a beautiful story of trust
King David might have agreed with this........
King David might have agreed with this........
King David might have agreed with this........
King David might have agreed with this........
28-11-2011 Jewish philosophy [creation etc ]]
1-12-2011 What should I take with my medicines?
1 Dec 2011 ....'Give me, I pray thee, of thy son's mandrakes........'
11-12-2011 Our young country, built from the ashes of the Holocaust, does not turn its back on hu
31-3-2011 World Repairs
The 48 Ways to Wisdom.
31-3-2011 Netanyahu is 3rd on YouTube World View Series
31-3-2011 Prachtige video: Instructions for Living
31-3-2011 What is the real "middle-east" problem??
31-3-2011 Naomi Shemer : chavelei Meshiach
31-3-2011 Al kol ele : Naomi Shemer
31-3-2011 Traditional Jewish Music
31-3-2011 Ofra Haza - 1979 - Chad Gadya
Very special for those who understand the meaning: Chad Gadya in the Middle East
Over blikjes en gehaast gedrag
4-4-2011 Renowned historian Deborah Lipstadt has reworked the Eichmann trial
5-4-2011 Is Laughter Really the Best Medicine? [From Aish.com]
5-4-2011 Is Laughter Really the Best Medicine? [From Aish.com]
6-4-2011 If........Mozes had been familiar with face-book
10-4-2011 A large quantity has an appetizing effect; a small quantity sustains
12-4-2011 Video of Eichman trial
bdmesq's Journal Livejournal
How to treat a [sometimes very serious] Rota virus diarrhoea ?
3 febr 2011 How to treat a [sometimes very serious] Rota virus diarrhoea ?
3 febr 2011 Please read: Important for every family ........ My Son Got A rota virus we need some
7-2-2011 Selenium is a very important mineral
7-2-2011 Bronchiolitis : a very safe and elegant solution
11-febr 2011 The truth about sunscreens and skin cancer.........from the website of Dr Briffa.
11 febr 2011 Skeptics of homeopathic medicine stage "overdose" protest
11-febr 2011 One man’s heart has been saved by his own stem cells...............“They form bra
"spugende" zuigelingen.....wat te poroberen
11-febr 2011 "spugende" zuigelingen.....wat te poroberen
15 febr 2011 Triphala........a wonderful simple Ayurvedic herbal drug against cancers
15 febr 2011 Triphala in the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer [by Mariann Garner-Wizard for the
15-2-2011 A oversight video of the 20 th century with a stress on Jewish history with very intere
17 febr 2011 Why coconut trees are so abundant on our planet?!
18 febr 2011 If you happen to visit Jerusalem next week.......of course there is much more to do
18-febr 2011 Half a shekel and the Gaon of Vilna מַחֲצִית הַשֶּׁקֶל
21-2-2011 Unique film!! Important and fascinating to see again in these days......when the G-d of
Unique film!!
21-2-2011 Special film about Entebbe........als je dit reddings "wonder" nooit echt gezien h
21 febr 2011 AVOCADO
22 febr 2011 Safran safraan crocus sativus :van grotel medische waarde
24-2-2011 A nice site for some Jewish/Hebrew learning for children and adults
1 march 2011 A baby- boy or girl with new additions
1-3-2011 Griep preventie/behandeling......sinusitus etc
The price we may pay for “progress".........PCB (plastic industry) causes mental retardation
8 maart 2011 CLL and magnolia : simple plant for chronic leucemia
14-3-2011 Urethras Grown In The Lab And Implanted
15-3-2011 Common painkillers linked to increased risk of heart problems
15 maart 2011
15 maart 2011 A small tip.........buy some licorice sticks and keep one between the teeth [like a c
15 maart 2011 A video of Shabbath celebration [of course not filmed on the Shabbath]
15 maart 2011 When human being are not deserving the tem "human" anymore........
........... the first wedding known to have ever taken place there.
Poerim / Purim 2011 "But it's your senior photograph! Couldn't you have done something with your h
Purim/poerim song!
Purim and responding to the Itamar Massacre
Illegal transport of weapons stopped in time!
23-3-2011 If you had "a bad day" lately,then this may cause you a real good laugh
From an interview with Member of the Knesset Dr. Arieh Eldad in the New English Review...
25 maart 2011 "The umbilical cord was around the baby's neck; the baby was grey and didn't move."
28-3-2011 Another blessed herb: viola odorata, not so well known
28-3-2011 Elizebeth Taylor
29-3-2011 Israeli field hospital in northern Japan
29-3-2011: Photo's : Israeli field hospital in Japan
30-3-2011 Rashi by Elie Wiesel by Tablet Magazine
30-3-2011 Beautiful : Instruction for Living
30-3-2011 30-3-2011 video: My Syrian Friend
14-12-2010 Flauw vallen Fainting : what NOT to do?
21-12-2010 Installing Love
21-12-2010 Camels-Kamelen
21-12-2010 Blueberries [= bosbessen] and memory/ADHD/Alzheimer/depression
2 JAN 2011 It is so simple ..........!+1= 2
What makes Gouda cheese so "tasty"? מה עושה את הגבינה של גאודה כל כך " טעימה "?
"Kamelen koorts" bij griep
20-1-2011 Too nice to be true?? Smelling Citrus Oils Prevents Asthma in Rats.............
20-1-2011 Melanie Phillips on Israeli TV
20-1-2011 Eight plants used in traditional Arab medicine in Israel
20-1-2011 Blueberries and strawberries may reduce blood pressure and aid in the prevention of hy
1 febr 2011 Incense......wierook sinds duizenden jaren .....griep......boswelia
bits and pieces for beit knesset Aderet Eliyahu
12-12-2010 Turmeric and hemorrhagic stroke {CVA}
13-12-2010 Cows , Talmud and kabbla.....Cows seem to know which way is north
Buik krampjes van kinderen en acupunctuur/acupressuur
Cervix kanker en zeewier [sea weed]
Simpele tips voor hoofdpijn behandeling
Laser brain surgery
Appendicitis: hoe te diagnostiseren ? [home method]
Kippen soep en alle goed dingen........ chicken soup
The difference between a window and a mirror is but a little silver.............
Nieuwe therapie voor long kanker ? lung cancer
Hope you enjoy listening to this
De dokter als detective......de verborgen oorring
gezonde ogen ,eye health,eruca sativa
vogeltrek, birdmigration,wonderlijk "toeval"
"slapende handen" if your hands fall asleep
Vasectomy- mannelijke sterilisatie
Pancreas kanker -pancreas cancer and triphala : a simple herb
Rembrandt and homeopathy
to give
Folic acid and its history
EHBO homeopathy First aid
zuigelingen geelzucht icterus
ingroeiende teen nagel ingrown toenail IGT
griep/swine flu
De jaarlijkse griep : de rug van een kameel
He remarked that he had heard of an interesting people who lived to the south of Syri
bedwetting bedwateren Enuresis bedplassers
Bof Mumps Parotitis epidemica
Prachtige website van Israelische Flora van Prof Avinoam Danin
A Hebrew - English Bible Met voorgelezen Hebrew text
Pesach -passfeest onderwerpen
Gold, silver, copper ----goud,zilver,koper
diabetes and complications suiker ziekte
parkinson en pizza Parkinson....smelling pizza
nierstenen kidney stones nephrolithiasis
Tweelingen? Twins? Hoe vergroot ik de kans?
wat hebben Denemarken en Yitro [de schoonvader van Mozes] gemeen??
Wat genetica en Hebreeuws /some genetics and hebrew
Een jongetje of een meisje? A boy or a girl>
Copying? Stealing ? Wanner mag men copieren??
UIEN,KNOFLOOK onions and garlic How to prepare?
Wet pants Natte broek
Geef me een aardappel en je krijgt licht
Kanker voorkomen en behandelen [Boere]Kool the Cabbage family
Diarrhoea : gairdia lamblia .....belangrijk om te weten
Cashew nuts [medisch en meer]
I said what you said but in a different way........
The game theory by Robert Aumann : Nobel Prize in Economics
Recall notice!
Vitamin B12
VERY IMPORTANT : Nigella for pancreatic cancer
There was once a lady who had a lot of big problems.............
Ritalin and its "companions"
Congres in Jeruzalem : alternative medicin
Voorbeelden van onderwerpen op congres
Ernstige oog conditie [uveitis] en curcum [geelwortel[
A few issues [Heart,psoriasis,nausea,acne,loosing weight etc].
Global day of Jewish learning...... beautifully presented
Life Broadcast in another 20 minutes
fructose intolerantie /intolerance
Vitamine B12 en geheugen / vitamin B12 and memory
A very handy chart/map for acupuncturists or possibly even for home
sleep apnea apnoea slaap apnoea
Nieuwe oesophagus[slokdarm], tissue regeneration
Papaja tee voor ovarium kanker!!! ---Papaya tea against ovarian cancer
A bit of electricity good for better calculating.............
From Chabad website : aliens in the universe?
B'ne {b"nei} Noach de 7 Naochitische geboden
Video in Jeruzalem.........B'ne {b"nei} Noach de 7 Naochitische geboden
What to eat.............
Learn Hebrew online with Israeli teachers
Voorbereiding voor een operatie
Miscarriage because of vitamin B12 lack ! הפלה בגללחוסר בויטמין בי12
Curcumin against liver fibrosis
Hand on the wall..........homeopathic Gold........... Belshatzar [book of Daniel]......Rembrandt
osteoporosis en uien ......botverlies
Vinger "op slot".....triggerfinger
slaap.............1/60 ste van de dood
Guave ,guaba
If your hands fall asleep........
Hoe weet ik of mijn kind een long ontsteking heeft?
Fast breathing and sick children: How sick?
"What is the dream that you have dreamed" ?
Vitamin C can save many lives , just one single i.v injection may be enough !! Safe and life saving.
G-d works for Israel................
Uitstekend voor de ogen / visus
Various "health-issues" [Article written for beit knesset Aderet Eliyahu]
For a morning smile.........voor een ochtend glimlach
Vitamine D en eczeem
Kaneel en Diabetes [cinnamon and dibetes]
Rosmarin tea against menstrual pains
Hypertensie : gebruik meer Kalium rijk voedsel.....welk voedsel?
Waar haal ik mijn Kalium vandaan??
101 wetenswaardigheden
.........and a good report maketh the bones fat
Two effective simple additions to the treatment of Diabetes.
12-2-2012 uploaded to youtube [ Yad Vashem] : 50 years since Eichman's trial
21-2-2012 video: Down of the Century 1900-1910 very special historical picturies
23-2-2011 Very nice video about acupressure points :
28-2-2012 Short impressive historical video
15-3-2912 Jerusalem Marathon : video
15-3-2012 Medical Plants from the Amazone [Suriname]
15-3-2012 Bitter melon [momordica] voor diabetes en borst kanker ?
Egypt, Iran & the Passover Miracle
25-3-2012 He often taught us that when someone is speaking to us we should listen with all of our m
26-3-2012 Intimacy in Marriage
29-3-2012 Very special [ beautiful done] : Chad Gadya in the Middle East
29-3-2012 Another parody...........
30-2-2012 Another one.............
3-4-2012 The greatest Miracle.........
3-4-2012 "The total population of the Jewish people is less than a statistical error in the annual
'Settlements' Are Legal: don't twist laws
5-4-2012 A part of History :The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive – Letter from Israel
Friday 6-4-2012 Seder night...... Pesach night : explanation
9-4-2012 Amazing moving film : Operation Solomon
11-4-2012 : "Where is the hat hen was wearing" ?
16-4-2012 Learn Hebrew online
17-4-2012 Cyber warriors of the IDF [ Israel Defense Forces ]
"Dodelijke" rota virus....een genegeerde zeer effectieve behandeling
17-4-2012 " We have gone Mad"
17-4-2012 Uien Onions Hebrew: Batsal
19-4-2012 Holocaust day in Israel
24-4-2912 Do not use.............any of them !
FULL MOVIE: Triumph of Spirit
25-4-2012 When Sirens Sound, We are One Family
"This is the day that God has made!" (Ps. 118:24)
26-4-2012 A miraculous moment in World history
1958 interview with Abba Eban : This incredible man [z"l] : gifted with decency, honesty ,sharpness
3-5-2012 When Gos'd hand is more then clear..........
3-5-2012 Feeling trapped.........geen enkele uitweg zien..............hopeloos,geen oplossing in zi
6-5-2012 Hoe relativeer ik mijn grootste problemen?
14-5-2012 Quick oversight of the Bible [Tora] : "crash course"
14-5-2012 The "strangest" but all predicted history!
20-5-2012 Instructions for Living : beautiful
21-5-2012 Was Columbus secretly a Jew?
22-5-2012 The #1 Reason for Marriage Problems
23-5-2012: Jerusalem Biblical Zoo..............beautiful presentation......worth looking
24-5-2012 Besnijdenis--circumcisio: QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Does the Baby Feel Excruciating Pain Duri
29-5-2012: hangige tips spierkrampen ,zweertjes in de mond etc
29-5-2012: May Israel be blessed with Tora wisdomn and all wisdom useful for mankind!
6-6-2012 Jewish Wedding : very nice explanation
6-6-2012 Not breastfeeding and extreme mortality!!
11-6-2012 How to die?
11-6-2012 Husbands, listen up. - Five Things Your Wife Wishes You’d Know but Won’t Tell You
11-6-2012 Can there be deeper and more emotional feelings?
11-6-2012: Jewish faith and reincarnation?
12-6-2012 "Two leaves a day will keep old age away"
12-6-2012 A few thousand years later : Oops instead of Efes
22-6-2012:What questions will G-d ask you?
1-7-2012 : Heroes of Israel
1-7-2012: health intervention by public bodies/government, the right thing to do?
3-7-2012 Premier Shamir z"l and the Rebbe : de moeite waard dit te bekijken
3-7-2012 A question to all the readers:[very curious to hear YOUR OPINION] ............
3-7-2012 : Answer on question about metformin
8-7-2012 : An interesting interview with one of the world famous anti-terrorist leaders
8-7-2012 Jodium [iodine] :Hoe belangrijk is dit werkelijk?
8-7-2012 : 36 Years Later, Entebbe Pilot Reveals Plane Barely Took Off
13-7-2012: Sepsis: If you have any family member who is seriously ill in the hospital then you bette
24-7-2012 Wat is 9 Av?? Een korte video.
27-7-2012: Profits and Prophets : from the Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks.....................Did
27-7-2012 : Another useful herb: Blessed Thistle=Holy thistle =Cnicus benedictus=Carduus benedictus
27-7-2012: Israel space program.... volunteers
Gember en ovarium kanker
Grapefruit en kanker -chemotherapy
Is G-d picking on me?
Brandnetels: goed voor.......
Bugs, insect bites en basilicum
Woorden.............in een mensen leven
Wanner antiibiotica toe te dienen voor een keizer-snede?
Wat voor tand vullingen??
12-8-2012 Cardiac arrest Hart-stilstand What to do!
Een voorbeeld van de wonderen van speeksel
If you suffer from Parkinson or just would like to reach the age of 120....] then sure read this a
Talmud in Korea!? Verplicht op scholen!
4-9-2012 Dry eyes
12-9-2012 Su-jok:[Korean} a new system......a free internet book!!!
The new Year: Rosh ha-Shana ............amazing time of Love
The MOST Important Video About Israel You’ll Ever See!
Instructions for Living: beautiful!
My Syrian Friend :What is the essence of friendship?
Een tekst om bij stil te staan!! unetane tokef [English with song]
Treat him as a "billionair".............
If you wish to know more about the Jewish New year........
There is no end to the good you can do! Keep the scale up
Waarom vasten we na Rosh Hashana [Fast of Gedalia]
Cannabis in Israel
For [Far-east] travellers!
Made in Heaven.....
Worldwide prayer : the Redeemer [the Mashiach]
Yom Ha-Kippurim [Jom Kippoer]
Can Holland permit itself to stay at the site of the onlookers??
The prime ministers ............and the prime ministers specch
Loofhutten feest.... The ABC of Sukkot [ Dutch: Soekkot]
G..........staat voor...? JA ,gember -ginger ...lees verder....ongelooflijk??
Beautiful melody as the Jewish Bride enters
As the saying goes:...
Jerusalem of gold , met Engelse vertaling van de Prachtige :Profetische " woorden
Heb je al een fiets van KARTON??
International space conference in Jerusalem
Israel is not out enemy!
What happened in San Remo in 1920 ? Any idea?
mmigrants Arrive in Israel on 'Dove's Wings'
Cameara sees through skin ........and around the corner
Special visit to Tel Aviv for "uitvinders"
Israeli fridge [vriezer] on the planet Mars
IDF [Israel Defense Forces] and High-tech
What Chinese want to learn from Israel
Pijn in de hiel ,lower back ,voet?
The Risks of Not Breastfeeding for Mothers and Infants : sending you just a part of the abstract....
My Syrian friend
The presidential election looms. Does it really matter who wins?
If you were God
Taking Sandy personally!
Instructions for Living: beautiful!
Uit alle hoeken van de Wereld verzameld in Jerusalem
Pallywood: does it shows up in your vocabulary?
Famous song: Is niet Efraim Mij een dierbare zoon, is hij Mij niet een troetelkind?
De begrafenis van Avraham's vrouw Sara en een paar duizend jaar later..........
.Salt : very good or bad ,how good or how bad?? That is the question which will continue chasing mod
Treatment of Trichomonas? ["women" / man problems]
Lung-On-A-Chip: Treating Pulmonary Edema
Children in bomb shelters since they are born: can you imagine this in a Dutch city??
Details about the last few days in Israel...........
Always wandering if somebody bothered to examine the effect of Moon-light, which from a [my] "religi
When a country pays the bill for their enemy...........
Sad situation when we want to be 'correct" toward arch- enemies..........
Waarom aanvaarden we dit?? Tot het een grote Europeze stad treft....[geen normaal mens hoopt dat] ..
They should not be allowed to live.....!!
Short [secret ] interview about the Iron dome defense system
If you have not seen this short video yet......then see it now.
Simpele informatie voor wie echt wil weten.......
DejaVueinGAZA [AZA]
Weer iets medisch....over blaas infecties en een simpele plant
Hamas: waar de waarheid li[e]gt.... where the truth lies
1+1=2, but what do you do if it is claimed to be 3?
Goed dit te zien wanneer "wilde beesten" Jeruzalem proberen te beschieten........
Another day..............from hour to hour
Beeleden,beelden en Ban Ki Moon die "alles schijnt te begrijpen"............
Would you have the possibility and "courage" to send this video to all your friends and post it on f
The true strength of the Israeli army !
Some simple to find acupressure points and their indications [use]
What is the Mideast word for "cease-fire"?
Yael as a"super-woman"
Have you ever heard the name Menashe? See this video....fascinating
Helicobacter: Among the plants that killed H. pylori, turmeric was the most efficient, followed by
Not only for rabbits.............Carrots גזר Good for diabetes and much more
Another spice: Cardamon [in Israel called : HEL].........The diuretic and sedative effects may offer
Common sense [no non-sense] talk!
PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Statement on the Palestinian move at the UN
These images say it All
About Truth
Cardamon , a special spice!
Israel's strory in Maps [ PDF] Clearly illustrated
OOIT gerealiseerd? From Dan to Beer Sheba....
Animation video for lightening CHANUKKA CANDLES
Science [fiction]
Science MINUS fiction!!
Are there no other countries in the world? Whole of Europe??
Some opinions [video]
When and how to fight!?
Israeli soldier and a woman from Gaza
Powerful Truth on Peace in the Middle East
Entrepreneurship and High-tech Industry in Israel
Iets ongelooflijks is nu vrij gegeven aan de hele wereld......!! Dode zee rollen
The blessings of our modern world!
In the beginning.........
Brave new world........surgical simulation!
Netanyahu at his best
Voor degenen met Stalen zenuwen.......
A window in the door!?
Victor Hugo : les Miserables and the bible
The famous Dispute in Barcelona
Unieke film: General Allenby in Jerusalem 1917 Footage!
IAF Israeli Air Force fly over Auschwitz- Tribute To Victims
Tell Your Children, Because it Returns
Acute stijve nek, kan je hoofd niet draaien??
The Rabbi and the Cow
GPS for brain surgeons
Knesset takes revolutionary step by outlawing the import, marketing and sale of any toiletries whose
Geen "kerst-mannetje"........gebed bij de Kotel ["klaagmuur"] in de sneeuw
De Egyptische plagen en de reactie van het Joodse volk
The battle for life is a battle for sanity.
"You are eating like an animal", said mother to her sun...............maybe not such a bad idea at a
Israel en Ecologie
Judaism and the environment
Some short but very important medical tips
[ After the ] Israeli elections
Nieuwe uitvinding: Israelische "sneeuw-wielen"
Incredible Technology!
If you really wants to know what happens behind the screens in part of the Arabic world..........
Israeli hospital in Africa and Obama's family
Exercise in spiritual mobility.....no need for explanation of this video
Never underestimate an old potatoe!
Facebook from a special Turkish woman!
For all Flora lovers !
Forwarding this to you: a worthy project for anybody feeling a connection with Israel and who is lo
VIDEO: Very interesting about future medicine
The wonders of nature
Restless sleep............what can you do in the middle of the night?
Farewell to the Pope
Animation of the PURIM STORY
Galblaas stenen en Nierstenen
Verbazende "Airshow" van vogels in het Israelische lucht ruim......a MUST
All about olive oil : from bible history until today shopping
If only I would have known!! Why G-d gave us a subconscious
Waar te masseren bij asthma of hoest ? [dit in niet het enige punt]
Microscopic robots inside cell..............science-fiction?
The irony could not be more striking.
Garlic-Knofllook in Israel
Letter to President Obama from Rabbi Lau
President Obama : How far can Israel prepare...?!
Passover [Pasen]-Pesach : crash-course
What if Moses had Facebook !
Why does the sea does not flood [over] us?? Who restraints the sea
You are never alone
One man........who acted and a miracle occurred
For those who know a bit of Hebrew
The week of Pesach [in Israel]
Photo-essay: preparing for Passover [interesting]
Passover [pasen] in the Israeli army [IDF]
Could you believe this....?!
Woon je dicht bij Schiphol??
Charlie de 104 jaar oude papegaai [parrot] en Winston Churchill...
Israel field hospital helping wounded Syrian population
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Every human being is created in the image of God and...
A short moving video
Israel: the Brain nation
The blooming desert-The Negev
Holocaust remembrance day [evening] in Yad va-shem
Some history......Buchenwald
[The G-d of] Israel will not allow this again!
The Auschwitz album............will be here until end of times
Do you want to read the bible in its original language?
Heroes of Israel
ISRAEL: amazing facts at its 65 th birthday
A tribute to the "Iron Lady" !
Remembrance day of Israeli fallen soldiers and those murdered by cold blooded non-human beings.
Spectacular choreography in downtown Jerusalem celebrating Israel's birthday.
News from Israel
Beautiful song from Ofra Haza z"l
Hava Nagila......concert
The world Greatest Love Story
Herzl: was he mistaken?
5 minuten lachen!
Why do we never learn? History....
Vanuit Jeruzalem.......hartelijke felicitaties
Vanuit Jeruzalem.......hartelijke felicitaties
Sowing with tears
A letter to the World from Jerusalem
46 years ago on this day..........“opportunity the likes of which has not been granted for thousands
What was the fruit that Eva ate from??
Dear Professor Hawking
A charming interview......not my world , but special
Simple, genius discovery: measuring eye pressure [glaucoma]
What can we learn from the kangaroos? Life-saving!
Als alle hoop zowat opgegeven is..............dood voor de ogen
Can you sit down quiet and think that this will not reach you
Op de buik of op de rug?
Worth reading !!! CRANBERRIES [from memorial sloan-kettering cancer center] .........some parts of t
Does G-d really exist....?
Maria distel [milkthistle] : als hulp tegen melanoma
Because of this we are all here....
Oog om oog...........of anders??
Wagner ....muzuek niet welkom in Israel? Waarom?
E-book Honest reporting
Chinese film team In Jerusalem
Iron : good or bad for you?
Modern Germany and Jews
How to make a mirror from a piece of the wall?
Curtis Sliwa: Tough Times Demand Tough Jews, Tough Israel
Israeli army relives Six Day War on Twitter
A full course of jewish history [FREE!]
Photo-gallery of the IDF [Israeli Defence Forces]
The super billion dollar airplane with vertical landing.........may Israel never wii have to use the
President Shimon Peres 90 years! Speeches in Hebrew and English [Clinton]
Barbara Streisand singing "Avinu Malkenu"[Our Father,Our King] at president Peres 90th bithday
Some beautiful songs from Ester Ofarim
Lever cirrhosis en een belangrijk supplement........expeditie naar Antartica
Hoe winst bejag en medische steek geleden [van de sun screen fabrikanten] al vele jaren de waarheid
Weer kunnen zien! Israeli retina -chip
Who is rich?
Equal female rights in the Tora.............Where?
World War Z
The Iranian Mystery Man.............fascinating story
Arabs[Christians] in the Israeli army
Hoe behandel je een gebroken schildpad's rug?
In 1922, the League of Nations confirmed.............
Exactly 37 years ago, while the US was celebrating the bicentennial on July 4, 1976..............
Against all Odds [tegen alle logica in ...]
Fiddler on the roof
Colitis ulcerosa behandeld met "plantjes"
On this day......the 9th of Av
Video :Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire – Focusing on the Jewish Revolution that Led to
Niersteen aanval en acupressuur behandeling [een punt]
Wie had DIT kunnen dromen!?
Pijnlijke menstruate
Would you like to drastically improve your singing-capacity? Voila!
Did you wake up already??
Bidens: an interesting herb from the Amazone to Europe to Africa and more
The Jewish Descendants of Kaifeng.wmv
If you know just a few Hebrew letters , look at this...fascinating
The invention of an incredible car for every purpose!
Cyrus,Belshatzar : A "Ted" story
Duur van de gemiddelde zwangerschap......al bekend in 2013??
A long time ago.......
At this time of the Year... worth listening : for everybody
About a "simple apple"......
Wat is het verschil tussen M....en M.....?
The time of the Mashiach [Messia]:What will happen?
The unmasking of the Red Cross
Tchaikovsky Flashwaltz at Hadassah Hospital
What is LOVE?
Don't Fear!
Some happy notes before the Jewish New year [Rosh ha-Shana]
How can I change my life?
Love...........on the day of judgement.................When all inhabitants of the Earth are judged
Can we permit our self to miss the train? KOL NIDRE
Happy music with meaning
Chinese Bamboo......
Soul-piercing music: Kol Nidre
Kol Nidrey,Moscow Male Jewish Cappella,cantor J. Malovany,Alexander Tsaliuk
The man who saved the world [26 September 1983] A must look!! May cause you to shiver.
The science behind the Shofar
J.esus in the jewish vision
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on Plato's Ghost
For those of you interested in learning Hebrew online
Yom Kippur: Father's Day for the Jewish People
Real wisdom
This Yom Kippur, Let's Be Sealed in the Book of Life!
The Yom Kippur War: Forty Years Later 1973-2013
Wat in Holland niet vanzelf sprekend is......
Sent in the past: ingegroeide teen nagel!
Gotu Kola... a remarkable useful medical herb!
A fascinating discovery with consequences until today........... a secret known to a gypsy in the 17
Een stuk video geschiedenis : de moeite waard
Children with epilepsy......a real solution
Should we start believe in "aliens"?
Pindakaas : wat is er bijzonder aan?
Kollosale doorbraak in kanker behandeling!!
Korte videa over borst kanker detectie met thermographie
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, 'Greatest Rabbi of the Generation,' has Died
DE begravenis van Rav Ovadia Yosef die nu In Jeruzalem plaats vindt
If you honestly want to try to understand............
Onverwachte ontknoping....!
Why Prostate Drug, Doxazosin, Increases Likelihood Of Heart Failure
Wat heeft pindakaas met Alzheimer te maken??
The Maharal of Prague would be probably not very surprised to see this medical Golem : The 3D heart
[Marathon] runners
5 wegen die helpen je kind mee te krijegen en niet tegen je...
Ooginfectie: thuis behandeling
The man who taught me to Fly
A fascinating miracle!! Een ongelooflijk verhaal
Zie de video even hiervoor verstuurd: a fascinating miracle en bekijk dan de "tablet"
In hoeverre is kanker screening wenselijk of schadelijk?
Ongelooflijk mooie video ......Stradivarius
Liefdes appelen: Duda'im ----Mandrakes דוּדָאִים Whatever: mandrakes -as we
Bevalling vermakkelijken
Bent U wel eens in the Portugese Synagoge in Amsterdam geweest? Prachtige Muzikale uitvoering kunt U
F.D.A. Ruling Would All but Eliminate Trans Fats PLEASE READ: The blessing received by Denmark......
Powerful speech of The chief Rabbi of Englsand
Impressive Priestly blessing at the Kotel [Western wall] ["klaagmuur"]
Frustrated artist
The blessings [and "curses"] of modern medicine
Werkelijk niet geschiktvoor "overgevoeligen".......
Hamas Leader Sends Granddaughter to Israel for Treatment
Een fascinerende voordracht
Instructions for Living......you can't see this often enough!
Israel's 'Angels in Green' Descend on Philippines
Israel Air Force Refuels Mid-air :spectacular
When the world is good.......!
The Lady in Number 6 is one of the most inspirational stories ever told. 109 year old, Alice Herz S
Pagina 'This kind of powerful speech has hardly been heard since the passing of Abba Eban
Dit kon de EU waarschijnlijk niet geloven zonder dit te zien met eigen ogen!
December 2 2013 Is Israel preparing for a preemptive strike on Iran?
Don't watch if you are very sensitive........What can save Israel with God's help
The MOST Important Video About Israel You'll Ever See!
Where have the 10 tribes gone? [see interesting article]
According to an Arab proverb, "In the black seed [ Ketzach] is the medicine for every disease except
Film for Palestinian children....!
King Louis XIV of France asked Blaise Pascal, the great French philosopher, to give him proof of th
The rise of Islam...........excellent summary with lot of not-well known facts.
Is there Life after Birth?
Non surgical cicumcision-besnijdenis [an Israeli invention] in Africa saving milliond of lives
Ongebruikelijk in Nederland, maar hier ligt alles stil [in jerusalem en hogere streken]
The best of our nation...
Dutch Prime Minister in Israel and some reactions...
Hava Nagila Has Reached The Fourth Corner of The World!
FASCINATING STORY : WEIZAC: Israel's first computer
Impressive talk: The united nations
Bitter melon [a vegetable,looks like a "ribbed" cucumber] : momordica charantia :also against BREAST
Zo'n 70 jaar later....!
Exciting.....de opvouw auto!
kANEEL voor suiker ziekte [diabetes] : DIABETES :"We recommend that people take ¼ to 1 teaspoon dail
The Israeli company Prime Sense developed a technology with 3D sensors which allow its users to con
How did "modern Hebrew"[IVRIT] started?
Elk commentaar is overbodig.....!!
Amazing medical data about brain scans! Video
If you are technical.............new cool technologies
Ovarium kanker mede behandeld met een oude specerij
How to read your dog's brain!?
Living in a high building? This may save your life!!
Michelangelo & the Meaning of the New Year 5774 or 2014?
Do you know where part of your money goes too?
Does God loves dogs?
For those of you who are interested in archaeology and the Bible
Should Holland no know better....?
News from Israel : Ariel SHaron z"l
When [ male ] sexual dysfunction is a problem.........erectile dysfunction as it is called in modern
Another plant for sexual "weakness" [erectile dysfunction], available in all health food shops [ jus
Ziets als : Ik kan niet al die Chinezen uit elkaar houden.....
Memorial words for Ariel Sharon
Very nice short video...!
Does this kind of video's are seen in Holland?
Some "bird-biology" from the Tora
Ooit grhoord van the The New year of the trees? [Tu-Bishvat]
Een recept voor dadels [dates]
Where is the best place in the world to be born as a dog?
Japanese arriving at airport Ben Gurion........special
What do you know about circumcision[besnijdenis]?
Wat zou je doen als je net iets at in een cafetaria in Tel Aviv [ of Amsterdam }??
Wat zou je doen als je net iets at in een cafetaria in Tel Aviv [ of Amsterdam }??
Or, should we perhaps ban all future pregnancies and births..............
New Guiness record of a very special type.......
Een ongelloflijk "toeval".....2000 jaar geleden voorspeld op een unieke mysterieuze manier!!
Propolis : a nearly magic medicine
Understanding the wisdom of Judaism's most important prayer. An Aish.com Film
Heroes of Israel: Chief Rabbi Lau Buchenwald's youngest survivor.
Tijdelijk moeite met borstvoeding?
The Koran and the truth
Is there a country in the world who treats his enemies in war-time??
Epilepsie en metformin!!
Hypnosis en borst kanker
Coincidence is but God’s way of choosing to remain anonymous.
When the loss of one life -which is not considered to be "cheap" ,can lead to new technology
From pauper to billionaire
Folium zuur tegen constipatie
What is your last name.....??? [familie-naam]
If you have not seen this yet......
Tension in the North :Syrian airplanes
Bill Gates and others about Israel
De zeer speciale bekende Fidler on the roof : serie video gedeeltes
The key to maturity
Aspirin: 115 de verjaardag! Mazal tov
Is the world , including Europe uttermost stupid??
Marvin's dance..
Anyone can count the seeds in an apple....
If You Don’t Think The Jewish Exodus From Egypt Was Real, Then Watch This Video And Think Again
"Toevallig"bestaat niet.................lees onderstaand verhaal
"Impossible'' Israeli aircraft happening........
Why we love Zombies...
Amazing new defense system !!
Preparing for strike on Iran? When the rest of the world is "asleep"
Syrian desperately asking for Israeli help [bomb the country !]
Hitler rose from his "grave" to be punished even worse!
Jewish psychology: Recomposing life without Freud
First Israeli spacecraft to be on the moon!
Medische mond harmonica
Wat te doen tijdens een examen voor betere concentratie?
Dog instead of Doc........ Dogs instead of doctors..... much cheaper and much more kind
If you like archeology!
OCHTEND zon en gewichts verlies [afslanken]
A remarkable drug for severe depressions!! Used since long in the tropics
Jules Verne could not have dreamt about this......Schneiders children Hospital in Israel..........
Cyber-attack on Israel? Doomed to fail.............may all come back on their heads
The road to success!
Exodus in the digital age: very humoristic
The new Israeli Einstein tablet!
Clowns in the delivery room [verloskamer]
Israeli hackers as reaction on Arabic threat
Unieke zegel ring ontdekt van Pharao ,ouder dan 3000 jaar
Israeli President Pers on Chinese" Facebook" Weibo and millions of reactions...
Israel new spy satellite in the orbit.............remarkable technique
Thanks God that he give us these weapons....
New: mobile radar
The best joke you will have heard in your life....!!!
A few interesting [ medical ] Pesach issue [for everybody but mainly for Jewish readers]
Music in Hadassa Hospital
Passover and the stars [the zodiac]: Jewish vision on astrology
Resveratrol : a bit of a miraculous supplement
Resveratrol : a bit of a miraculous supplement
How would you deal with this in your country?
Mysteries and Mental Exercises ?
When ten thousands are blessed in a special prayer-servive at the Kotel [klaagmuur"]by hundreds of J
Wat is Maimuna / Mimuna?
Twee leeuwen in the Jerusalem Zoo met hun beste vreind.....
Israel commemorates Holocaust Memorial Day and more
Where was God in the Holocaust?
Two minutes of "frozen Israel"
Extreme powerful speech on Holocaust day by Rav Lau [surviver]
Life uitzending nu: jaarlijkse doden herdenking [soldaten] Israel
Life : national Bible quiz on Israel independence day, candidates from all over the world
Foetale zuurstof gebrek tijdens de bevalling......een speciale therapie !
A very beautiful , emotional video ....Am Israel Chai....Het volk Israel leeft !
A very powerful speech [vido] by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
The rotationof the moon, Carl Sagan and the science of 2000 years ago
Will you be able to still be INDIFFERENT after seeing this again when anybody speaks [is barking] up
Amazing women
Two persons who are never jealous!
Schitterend en humoristisch!
Kindness to animals in the Jewish tradition
Field hospital on Syrian border [see video 2 and 3]
Elegant perfect spoken Hebrew course [not for free]
Heavenly Wisdom
King Solomon understood the language of the animals.........Are we on our way to decipher the unique
If walnuts are good for the brain, then maybe the song [music] of the walnut tree may benefit our b
Why man should not use cosmetics, aftershave etc etc..........The work suggests that endocrine disru
Why man should not use cosmetics, aftershave etc etc..........The work suggests that endocrine disru
This also happened.........kippe-vel!
May Siamese twins be separated morally if one will die by doing so?
Wat zegt een Jood als hij de Paus mocht zien nu deze Jeruzalem bezoekt?
This beautiful song composed by Naomi Shemer z"l
Al kol ele.............beautiful.........Engelse woorden
Will the threat of Iran be ended?
Historical moment that will never be wiped out from memory!
One of the most famous photo's in the world
What do you know about the biblical Ruth? A beautiful story
The Israeli air force ..........when seconds can mean survival of a nation
When the new Israeli president danced a long time ago .....text in English
The singing guitarist Rabbi [z"l]: Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
What has the world-cup to do with an Israeli drone??
A bit ironic ........an Italian ["Roman"]opera at Masada
Kidnapping....you shall not steal
Peace with these!!??
Europe anno 2014....
The splitting of the "red-sea" and other miracles?
Connectie tussen laag vitamine A gehalte en Asthma
Laag vitamine A en sterke menstruel bloeding. Hoe een laag vitamine A gehalte te diagnostiseren?
Voorkoming van metastasen van postaat kanker met vitamine A
Mazelen voor zover nog bestaand!
Antwoord op de splijting van de "rode zee" en andere wonderen
Blaas kanker? Iets simpels maar
Have you heard of the 10 lost tribes of Israel??
Wanneer zelfs diepe putten worden leeg gepompt....!!
De bijzondere eigenschappen van apple cider vinegar ["appel-azijn]
A remarkable revival: Polish museum
Lionel Messi...........see /read further !!
Emotional speech before the UN
Have you heard about Marfan syndrome? Extremely important to diagnose.....may save your life!
Joseph, the sun Jacov, born im Mesopotamia and this story in short.
Hoe de Nedelandse margarine industrie nog steeds de gemiddelde Nederlander voor "acherlijk" houdt...
A day of deep mourning and a day of intense strengthening of the Jewish people
Obama ......judge yourself
Imagine if it was in your country......!!
Bertrand Russell grumbled in 1924 that “it is impossible to read in America, except on a train, beca
Schadelijke en onnodige medische onderzoekingen
Picture......keep cool!
Bronchiolitis : kortademigheid bij zuigelingen = niet gelijk aan astma
Worth reading!!
Do you realize this in Holland or in any place on earth??
Did this ever excist in history?
Do you have a smart-phone or the like? Then look at this
Not bad for the British Sun News
A famous saying!
De zoveelste "trial".....
Het zou makkelijker zijn om met een ratel-slang in discussie te gaan........very strong talk!!
Army of the Jews.....special "weapons"
Two centuries ago, the great German poet Goethe said: "The hardest thing to see is what is in front
Any honest person will spread this video!!
A single Dog in time of war........what is his shelter?
Donkeys used by Hamas
Tunnels.....no end to it
Do yoy know any army in the world which treats the wounded enemy, an enemy who does not just want to
Shocking testimonials about Hamas...If you are "over-sensitive" don't look
The most simple straighforward lecture you may ever have heard!
Science fiction or far more than that?
God given intelligence give to Israel to keep us alive! How thankful should we be for all this
Do you know what is happening partially with your money? Do you agree??
No more apologies!
No more apologies!
muskiete-beten: wat te doen?
Wonderfull education...
Zieken-huis op de grens van Aza [Gaza]
Worst than the most fantastic HORROr story
Egypt cursing Hamas
Don't cry for Us!
Response to the Lancet by Prof Edgar Pick [Tel Aviv]
Would you like to disappear hand-cuffed in a tunnel/grave and be kept there for years??
9 th of the Hebrew month Av.....what is this and what will it be in the feature?
Wat heeft Napoleon te makem met Tisha be-av [de 9 de Av]??
The Hamas miracle........yes, really!
Video: A master piece of Philosophy, logic and humor....if you have patience
Lang geleden , voor de Radar
An amazing interview
Horrible....sorry .if you can't wake up already, it maybe too late even in a short time for all of E
A 30 second video with a clear message
History: who tells me this is true?
Fascinating discovery [for me at least]
A quick clear [drawn] history
Fidler on the roof............Isaac Stern!!!
Unbelievable nice if you never saw this: From Mao to Mozart_ Isaac Stern in China (Complete)
Hoe de schade na bestraling te verminderen? Radiation protection
The 4 women paramedics
Sheik Professor Abdul Palazzi.....worth hearing!!
ISIS and Israel
Ha-tikva sung at the Western Wall [kotel ] in Jerusalem]
This is Israel's strength.....could you think of a better answer?
Conventional medicine
Een veel zeggende foto!
How a mammogram taught me to control my Anger
Eichman: what is the connection with ISIS?
10 short medical tips!
What does Rosh Ha-Shana [NEW YEAR] means for Jews /Israeli's?
Special song, showing our trust
Very colourful dance and song
One of the most famous ,beautiful songs , composed "prophetically" by Naomi Shemer,
"Why I hope to die at.......:"
New super medical Technology
Amazing: Short video: Mother of Murdered Israeli Teen: A Rosh Hashanah Message
Magnificent, awfull poem :Unetana Tokef......who shall live and who will die
Adam and Eve created
"sorry" !
Rafael: The proud of Istael's technology
Can people change??
Eye-opener...if they were still closed
Ever heard such a thing??
Chronische long problemen?? COPD ?? Zie dan deze mail
Een Glimp van het Loof hutten feest in de "oude stad" van Jeruzalem
The 2 yearly priestly blessing at the wailing wall ["Klaagmuur"]
This is an incredible plane! But what’s really incredible in this story is the pilot. Captain Ziv Ne
Nature's wonders : salt cubes at the Dead Sea [yam ha-melach]
Nearing the coming of the Meshiach? [Messiah]
very coluorful multinational manifestation in Jerusalem...some 8000 individuals from nearly all nati
Israeli rescue mission in Nepal
Israeli rescue mission in Nepal
What would a doctor do if Hitler's daughter- agreeing with her father- would have asked for treatmen
This is the most fantastic video you may have ever seen or see in your life....it may cause you some
The Hospital that does not exist!
A fascinating Guru story
ACTION ALERT: Tell Westin there's no room forACTION ALERT: Tell Westin there's no room for [dogmati
Every now and then I am sending this beautiful short video .
This will reach all parts of the world if people don't wake up!
Incredible genetics!!
Whi is REALLY protecting Israel? Any idea? From a famous scientist
Biblical creation of the world and science
Flood in the negev dessert ...can sweep everything away!
Schitterend en humoristisch!
Exciting new medical procedures for the prostate!!
Certificate [Utrecht]
Amazing Nature.........and how careful we should be
Good for stress or a bad mood!!
HaTikva .... The Hope
About Love
Ever heard from the "DRUZE" community?? Special
Did asnyone ever told you who bought Jerusalem?
how a woman got totally cancer free?
Yesterday I sent you an article about Goji berries with the following title. Goji berries good for p
how a woman got totally cancer free?
Grapefruit zaden als antibioticum
harold jitschak bueno de mesquta
In the Forest.......In het Bos
Planten verkorten ziekenhuis opnamee
Tanden en tandvlees sparen!!
Prachtige melodie
Phytagoras in de bijbel
2 simple spices to feel better
Goed voor alles!!
Koloossale list van usefull herbs!!
72 virgins.......if Freud was alive......
Peeling fingertips|: Koriander mogelijk als oplossing!
Compleet Vertrouwen!!['[ Emuna ]
Arab and Israeli doctors working together in Hadassa hospital in Jerusalem
the universal guide to a happy and contented life now in the Dutch language!
It is not the butter on the bread, it is ...
Minocyclin ....... an old wonderful antibiotic
Hoe snel een neusbloeding te stoppen?
Multiple myeloma --Kahler
Menstruatiei pijnen
alle artikelen
New -old options for lung cancer!!
Verstoppertje spelen en...G-d
Beans Cancer
Een" tent" als een huis??
Multiple sclerosis en succes met Padma
If you like beauty! Amsterdan
Marjoram SUPER-SPICE-Alzheimer
Voor degen die het verhaal kennen.......
9/11 and the Masai of Kenya
Homocysteine: ooit van gehoord??
Bijna niet te geloven!! easy birth!
Perzikken!! als medicijn
Een kleine "miracle pill"
Alternatief medisch
Wisdom/Tora / Bijbel
corona covid-19 PORTULACA
LINKS https://www.scribd.com/document/477949114/Portulaca-Influenza-and-Covid-19-Taiwan-Article
Mogelijke snelle oplossing voor Corona
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heel belangrijk!!
latest news
Sad, but reality
The real COWBOYS
parrot --papagaai gered uit Gaza
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Gehoor verlies
Sciatic nerve : forbidden for Jews
Sciatic nerve
May God give our leaders wisdom to know how to handle the bestial, cruel enemies surrounding us
May God give our leaders wisdom to know how to handle the bestial, cruel enemies surrounding us