- https://wordpress.com/view/dr-bueno.com
- Jerba----tunesia
- Worth listening
- Syita----Suria very professional
- Europe , wake up!!
- Hebron,, ,,Sara voorvaders
- Prachtige opnames
- excellent interview
- Lithium
- Extreem duidelijk em eerlijk wat er aan de hand is
- The Druze community in Israel
- Biblical Israel
- The most amazing .lifesaving spice
- Water miracle in Israel
- Zeer speciale ,prachtige historische video
- thanks G-d ,al documented
- Thanks to the ALMIGHTY and our brave soldiers
- Know the truth!
- If ypu did not know.....
- Nice ,clear video for those who are confused
- Ongelooflijke spanning! uitstekend real video
- Jerusalem Day
- magnificent
- Brave ,incredible wonan
- Jerusalem of gold
- Important intervieuw
- Good to hear this side!
- Clear language
- Moed! Zie van 8.12 in video
- Beautiful melody
- Peasch ---Passover---what to celebrate?
- Beautiful!!!
- Magnificent song We all know this beautiful song form Naomi Shemer---------
- Chad Gadiya: grandioze uitvoering
- Chad Gaiya : grandioze uitvoering
- beautifull Yemnite Havdala song
- True history
- Fascinating discussion
- Let the world know!
- An unimaginable SPIRITUAL Giant!!
- Before Purim
- Psalm 1
- Cornsilk----maissil
- Beethovern: IFO
- Wonder dieet----haast vergeten
- Voor onze wereld.....moge dit helpen voor een betere wereld
- He has the right and wisdom to speak!!!
- an-amazing-exemplary-doctor
- Thanks for such doctors!
- For Israel,, for all good willing human beings
- Once upon a time....
- why is part the world "blind"?
- Special homeopathy
- IDF ---verdediging!
- He seems to understand
- Persian? Vashti------Best
- Cucumber: "miracles" Lang zal die leven!~
- A [temporarily]Hell on [under the] earth
- Israel: analysis
- Belangrijke Medische "weetjes": Sleep, nightlight,early morning light! breathing exercises ,24 hour
- Silence...
- Dennark and the help of G-d
- Alzheimer
- Tchaikovsky : Perlman!!
- Neurology and simple herb
- Magnificent performance!Beethoven
- Ik z-weer
- Disgusting
- Righteous
- !! Amen
- Mozart
- wortelen en politiek
- The world should know !
- Tomaten: Poison?
- When the impossible seems possible
- Will the world mow believe?
- ACUPRESSURE POINT for sore throat
- VIDEO----7 October 2023
- IGNORED WARNIGS buy Israeli governments
- Stof tot nadenken
- An infant's cry
- zwangerschap braken https://dr-bueno.com/2023/12/17/vomiting-during-pregnancy/
- Dr Kedar " world expert on Islam
- Reality comes out!!
- courage!!
- Voor een ieder in onze wereld
- Latest Israeli news
- Food poisoning
- Om denial te voorkomen in de toekomst
- For the whole world and all Naive" ani-Israel protestors
- dementia , preventing diseases
- When homeopathy-thanks G-d- can do wonders!
- 9-1-2012 Please read and print out for your doctor!
- 9-1-2012 Vitamin B12 an epidemic of miss-diagnoses
- 2-1-2012 Postnatal depression
- All the can heal
- 17-1-2012m Heel bijzonder....3 minuten
- 10-1-2012 “Tell me frankly, I appeal to you—answer me: Imagine that
- 10 Januarie 2012 Je kat / hond heeft vlooien..........
- 16 january 2012 The Jewish Disorder Manual
- 6-2-2012 The beauty of mathematics ........G-d's Surprises
- 7-2-2012 GBS : what [ not ? ] to do? For all pregnant women and doctors
- 7-2-2012 Babies lip-read before talking
- 7-2-2012 I agree........
- 7-2-2012 Migraine tijdens de menstruatie
- 12-4-2011 "Gassen stijgen op naar de hersenen"...........
- 14-4-2011 Israel-birth-of-a-nation.....fascinating video's
- De valse dogmas in de moderne geneeskunde
- 22-4-2011 What is the connection/difference with/between the splitting of the Yam Suf [Red sea]a
- 24-4-2011 A very trustable and nice herbal website [Christopher Hobbs]
- 27-4-2011 bijna ongelooflijk....... but little changed and the "world" allows it !
- 29-4-2011 In connection with the today British Royal From the internet : marriage ] The beracha rec
- Yom HaShoa Memorial Day May 1st, 2011
- 5-5-2011 Celebrating Osama Bin Laden’s Death : Rabbi Steinsaltz's View
- 8-5-2011 The Volunteers: Answering the Call of History
- 8-5-2011 Israel op de vooravond van haar 63ste VERJAARDAG
- 9-5-2011 Israel : Independence day.......and history
- 9-5 -2011 Israel independence ,partially narrated by Abba Eban
- 9-5 -2011 Israel independence ,partially narrated by Abba Eban
- 9-5-2011: 1952 Israeli_Arabic hsitory
- 9-5-2011: 1952 Israeli_Arabic hsitory
- 9-5-2011 This wonderous "red root”: Beetroot-----Bieten
- 9-5-2011 The Arab Israeli Conflict: Egyptian Revolution 1952
- 9-5-2011 Israeli Air Force during Six Day war
- 9-5-2011 IAF - Stunning Victories..... When G-d fights for Israel and gives u
- 10-5-2011 Why mannose might be a far better choice for preventing urinary tract infections
- 10-5-2011 Before you boycott Israel!
- 10-5-2011: When the nation is specially thankful and happy
- 12-5-2011 "Suck your thumb hard" to relieve angina pectoris
- 29-5-2011 Israel's borders
- 30-5-2011 Copper found to be vital in Embryo
- 30-5-2011 Honey... dwash and all the good things about it
- 30-5-2011 Plotseling gehoor verlies sudden hearing loss
- 30-5-2011 What can we try against cucumber enterocolitis? Komkommers en Coli
- 31-5-2011 Snel Ivrit leren? [ Spoken Hebrew course]
- 31-5-2011 The beautiful song and words: Jerusalem of gold and the prophecy of its liberation......
- 31-5-2011 The Breaktrough to Jerusalem 1967
- Very special!
- Jewish Hip Hop
- 2-7-2011 koffie als preventie tegen Alzheimer
- Olijf berg Har ha-zetim
- 11-7-2011 Beautiful Song and pictures [Naomi Shemer]
- 11-7-2011 "Profetische" blik : schitterende compositie van Naomi Shemer vlak voor de zes daagse oorl
- 12-7-2011 VitaminE and stroke [CVA] risk
- 8-8-2011 Borst kanker : wat niet te doen!
- 12-7-2011 What was created first: Heaven or Earth?
- 13-7-2011 Medically unexplained symptoms.......... [see article below my introduction]
- 13-7-2011 The efficacy of almonds, pistachios, and a mixture of both, on some risk factors of card
- 14-7-2011 Before Life, Life, and After-Life
- 15-7-2011 Who Has a Right to Jerusalem? (Interview Shocker)
- 16-7-2011 Isn't life full of surprises? A beautiful picture of life...some of your patients might
- 17-7-2011 How to lose weight while "sleeping” [not “precisely”...], how to stop smoking and more
- 17-7-2011 Very nice to spend a few minutes per day to this reading material
- 17-7-2011 "if he were to sell candles, the sun would never set; if he should deal in shrouds, no on
- 17-7-2011 Special melody [Nigun]
- 20-7-2011 Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGYxLWUKwWo&feature=player_embedded
- 24-7-2011 Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire – Focusing on the Jewish Revolution that Led
- 25-7-2011 Raid on Entebbe – Overview
- 25-7-2011 Entebbe: TV movie directed by Irvin Kershner
- 25-7-2011 Medische tips /osteoporosis
- 25-7-2011 Special wisdom : hey are like the ten commandments to follow in life all the time.
- 26-7-2011 An Arab woman from Qatar taught me how to mourn the Norwegian children.
- 31-7-2011 Norway : No- way of sole-searching
- 31-7-2011 Sounds spectacular!! Trigeminal Neuralgia -move the basilary artery and blood vessels
- 8-8-2011 The afternoon before.....9 Av
- Excuse me, where are you born?
- 26-8-2011 : The incredible wonders of Creation!!! Toxoplasma affects the rat's brain so that the f
- Cataracts could cause Insomnia in the Elderly
- 12-9-2011 The miracle of Ethipian Jews back to their home-land
- Rosh ha Shana melody Haben Yakir Li הֲבֵּן יַקִּיר לִיn from Jeremiah 31:20
- 19-9-2011 Jerusalem, the temple mount ,the Koran and more......
- 19-9-2911 101 belangrijke medische feiten
- 27-9-2011 KLEZMER JEWISH MUSIC FOLKLORE ZOHAR folk klezmer klezmer folklore music
- The Lost Art of Forgiveness
- 4-10-2011 Regardless of make or year, all units known as "human beings" are being recalled by the M
- 4-10-2011......................so, too, a person’s compassion should be upon all the creations of th
- 5-10-2011 Short, very awesome video
- 6-10-2011 Video Feature: "Ancient" Prophecies or Present Reality?
- Voor de Joodse lezers: vooravond van jom ha-kippoerim
- 11-10-2011 Resveratrol voor borst kanker
- 11-10-2011 How To Build an Airport Overnight? Ask the IDF
- 12-10-2011 Loofhutten feest [Soekkot-Suiccot]
- 18-10-2011 GiladShalit and the SeaTurtle
- Besnijdenis [circumcisie]. ochtend speeksel en meer bijzonderheden
- Besnijdenis [circumcisie]. ochtend speeksel en meer bijzonderheden
- Besnijdenis [circumcisie]. ochtend speeksel en meer bijzonderheden
- The chicken and the ticket: a beautiful story of trust
- King David might have agreed with this........
- King David might have agreed with this........
- King David might have agreed with this........
- King David might have agreed with this........
- 28-11-2011 Jewish philosophy [creation etc ]]
- 1-12-2011 What should I take with my medicines?
- 1 Dec 2011 ....'Give me, I pray thee, of thy son's mandrakes........'
- 11-12-2011 Our young country, built from the ashes of the Holocaust, does not turn its back on hu
- 31-3-2011 World Repairs
- The 48 Ways to Wisdom.
- 31-3-2011 Netanyahu is 3rd on YouTube World View Series
- 31-3-2011 Prachtige video: Instructions for Living
- 31-3-2011 What is the real "middle-east" problem??
- 31-3-2011 Naomi Shemer : chavelei Meshiach
- 31-3-2011 Al kol ele : Naomi Shemer
- 31-3-2011 Traditional Jewish Music
- 31-3-2011 Ofra Haza - 1979 - Chad Gadya
- Very special for those who understand the meaning: Chad Gadya in the Middle East
- Over blikjes en gehaast gedrag
- 4-4-2011 Renowned historian Deborah Lipstadt has reworked the Eichmann trial
- 5-4-2011 Is Laughter Really the Best Medicine? [From Aish.com]
- 5-4-2011 Is Laughter Really the Best Medicine? [From Aish.com]
- 6-4-2011 If........Mozes had been familiar with face-book
- 10-4-2011 A large quantity has an appetizing effect; a small quantity sustains
- 12-4-2011 Video of Eichman trial
- bdmesq's Journal Livejournal
- How to treat a [sometimes very serious] Rota virus diarrhoea ?
- 3 febr 2011 How to treat a [sometimes very serious] Rota virus diarrhoea ?
- 3 febr 2011 Please read: Important for every family ........ My Son Got A rota virus we need some
- 7-2-2011 Selenium is a very important mineral
- 7-2-2011 Bronchiolitis : a very safe and elegant solution
- 11-febr 2011 The truth about sunscreens and skin cancer.........from the website of Dr Briffa.
- 11 febr 2011 Skeptics of homeopathic medicine stage "overdose" protest
- 11-febr 2011 One man’s heart has been saved by his own stem cells...............“They form bra
- "spugende" zuigelingen.....wat te poroberen
- 11-febr 2011 "spugende" zuigelingen.....wat te poroberen
- 15 febr 2011 Triphala........a wonderful simple Ayurvedic herbal drug against cancers
- 15 febr 2011 Triphala in the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer [by Mariann Garner-Wizard for the
- 15-2-2011 A oversight video of the 20 th century with a stress on Jewish history with very intere
- 17 febr 2011 Why coconut trees are so abundant on our planet?!
- 18 febr 2011 If you happen to visit Jerusalem next week.......of course there is much more to do
- 18-febr 2011 Half a shekel and the Gaon of Vilna מַחֲצִית הַשֶּׁקֶל
- 21-2-2011 Unique film!! Important and fascinating to see again in these days......when the G-d of
- Unique film!!
- 21-2-2011 Special film about Entebbe........als je dit reddings "wonder" nooit echt gezien h
- 21 febr 2011 AVOCADO
- 22 febr 2011 Safran safraan crocus sativus :van grotel medische waarde
- 24-2-2011 A nice site for some Jewish/Hebrew learning for children and adults
- 1 march 2011 A baby- boy or girl with new additions
- 1-3-2011 Griep preventie/behandeling......sinusitus etc
- The price we may pay for “progress".........PCB (plastic industry) causes mental retardation
- 8 maart 2011 CLL and magnolia : simple plant for chronic leucemia
- 14-3-2011 Urethras Grown In The Lab And Implanted
- 15-3-2011 Common painkillers linked to increased risk of heart problems
- 15 maart 2011
- 15 maart 2011 A small tip.........buy some licorice sticks and keep one between the teeth [like a c
- 15 maart 2011 A video of Shabbath celebration [of course not filmed on the Shabbath]
- 15 maart 2011 When human being are not deserving the tem "human" anymore........
- ........... the first wedding known to have ever taken place there.
- Poerim / Purim 2011 "But it's your senior photograph! Couldn't you have done something with your h
- Purim/poerim song!
- Purim and responding to the Itamar Massacre
- Evil..........
- Illegal transport of weapons stopped in time!
- 23-3-2011 If you had "a bad day" lately,then this may cause you a real good laugh
- From an interview with Member of the Knesset Dr. Arieh Eldad in the New English Review...
- 25 maart 2011 "The umbilical cord was around the baby's neck; the baby was grey and didn't move."
- 28-3-2011 Another blessed herb: viola odorata, not so well known
- 28-3-2011 Elizebeth Taylor
- 29-3-2011 Israeli field hospital in northern Japan
- 29-3-2011: Photo's : Israeli field hospital in Japan
- 30-3-2011 Rashi by Elie Wiesel by Tablet Magazine
- 30-3-2011 Beautiful : Instruction for Living
- 30-3-2011 30-3-2011 video: My Syrian Friend
- 14-12-2010 Flauw vallen Fainting : what NOT to do?
- 21-12-2010 Installing Love
- 21-12-2010 Camels-Kamelen
- 21-12-2010 Blueberries [= bosbessen] and memory/ADHD/Alzheimer/depression
- 2 JAN 2011 It is so simple ..........!+1= 2
- What makes Gouda cheese so "tasty"? מה עושה את הגבינה של גאודה כל כך " טעימה "?
- "Kamelen koorts" bij griep
- 20-1-2011 Too nice to be true?? Smelling Citrus Oils Prevents Asthma in Rats.............
- 20-1-2011 Melanie Phillips on Israeli TV
- 20-1-2011 Eight plants used in traditional Arab medicine in Israel
- 20-1-2011 Blueberries and strawberries may reduce blood pressure and aid in the prevention of hy
- 1 febr 2011 Incense......wierook sinds duizenden jaren .....griep......boswelia
- bits and pieces for beit knesset Aderet Eliyahu
- 12-12-2010 Turmeric and hemorrhagic stroke {CVA}
- 13-12-2010 Cows , Talmud and kabbla.....Cows seem to know which way is north
- Buik krampjes van kinderen en acupunctuur/acupressuur
- Cervix kanker en zeewier [sea weed]
- Simpele tips voor hoofdpijn behandeling
- Appendicitis: hoe te diagnostiseren ? [home method]
- Kippen soep en alle goed dingen........ chicken soup
- The difference between a window and a mirror is but a little silver.............
- Nieuwe therapie voor long kanker ? lung cancer
- Hope you enjoy listening to this
- De dokter als detective......de verborgen oorring
- gezonde ogen ,eye health,eruca sativa
- vogeltrek, birdmigration,wonderlijk "toeval"
- "slapende handen" if your hands fall asleep
- cholesterol-Lp{a}-niacine
- Vasectomy- mannelijke sterilisatie
- Sleep-slaap
- Pancreas kanker -pancreas cancer and triphala : a simple herb
- Rembrandt and homeopathy
- to give
- Folic acid and its history
- Jujube
- EHBO homeopathy First aid
- zuigelingen geelzucht icterus
- ingroeiende teen nagel ingrown toenail IGT
- griep/swine flu
- De jaarlijkse griep : de rug van een kameel
- He remarked that he had heard of an interesting people who lived to the south of Syri
- bedwetting bedwateren Enuresis bedplassers
- Bof Mumps Parotitis epidemica
- Prachtige website van Israelische Flora van Prof Avinoam Danin
- A Hebrew - English Bible Met voorgelezen Hebrew text
- Pesach -passfeest onderwerpen
- Gold, silver, copper ----goud,zilver,koper
- diabetes and complications suiker ziekte
- parkinson en pizza Parkinson....smelling pizza
- nierstenen kidney stones nephrolithiasis
- Tweelingen? Twins? Hoe vergroot ik de kans?
- wat hebben Denemarken en Yitro [de schoonvader van Mozes] gemeen??
- wijn
- Rosmarijn,rosmarin,rosmary
- Wat genetica en Hebreeuws /some genetics and hebrew
- Een jongetje of een meisje? A boy or a girl>
- Copying? Stealing ? Wanner mag men copieren??
- UIEN,KNOFLOOK onions and garlic How to prepare?
- Wet pants Natte broek
- Geef me een aardappel en je krijgt licht
- Kanker voorkomen en behandelen [Boere]Kool the Cabbage family
- Diarrhoea : gairdia lamblia .....belangrijk om te weten
- Cashew nuts [medisch en meer]
- fracturen-botbreuken-orthopaedie
- I said what you said but in a different way........
- The game theory by Robert Aumann : Nobel Prize in Economics
- Recall notice!
- Vitamin B12
- VERY IMPORTANT : Nigella for pancreatic cancer
- There was once a lady who had a lot of big problems.............
- Ritalin and its "companions"
- Congres in Jeruzalem : alternative medicin
- Voorbeelden van onderwerpen op congres
- Ernstige oog conditie [uveitis] en curcum [geelwortel[
- A few issues [Heart,psoriasis,nausea,acne,loosing weight etc].
- Global day of Jewish learning...... beautifully presented
- Life Broadcast in another 20 minutes
- fructose intolerantie /intolerance
- Vitamine B12 en geheugen / vitamin B12 and memory
- A very handy chart/map for acupuncturists or possibly even for home
- sleep apnea apnoea slaap apnoea
- Nieuwe oesophagus[slokdarm], tissue regeneration
- Papaja tee voor ovarium kanker!!! ---Papaya tea against ovarian cancer
- A bit of electricity good for better calculating.............
- From Chabad website : aliens in the universe?
- B'ne {b"nei} Noach de 7 Naochitische geboden
- Video in Jeruzalem.........B'ne {b"nei} Noach de 7 Naochitische geboden
- What to eat.............
- Learn Hebrew online with Israeli teachers
- Voorbereiding voor een operatie
- Miscarriage because of vitamin B12 lack ! הפלה בגללחוסר בויטמין בי12
- Curcumin against liver fibrosis
- Hand on the wall..........homeopathic Gold........... Belshatzar [book of Daniel]......Rembrandt
- osteoporosis en uien ......botverlies
- Vinger "op slot".....triggerfinger
- slaap.............1/60 ste van de dood
- גואבה
- Guave ,guaba
- If your hands fall asleep........
- Hoe weet ik of mijn kind een long ontsteking heeft?
- Fast breathing and sick children: How sick?
- "What is the dream that you have dreamed" ?
- Vitamin C can save many lives , just one single i.v injection may be enough !! Safe and life saving.
- G-d works for Israel................
- Uitstekend voor de ogen / visus
- Various "health-issues" [Article written for beit knesset Aderet Eliyahu]
- For a morning smile.........voor een ochtend glimlach
- Vitamine D en eczeem
- Kaneel en Diabetes [cinnamon and dibetes]
- Rosmarin tea against menstrual pains
- Hypertensie : gebruik meer Kalium rijk voedsel.....welk voedsel?
- Waar haal ik mijn Kalium vandaan??
- 101 wetenswaardigheden
- .........and a good report maketh the bones fat
- Two effective simple additions to the treatment of Diabetes.
- 12-2-2012 uploaded to youtube [ Yad Vashem] : 50 years since Eichman's trial
- Cremating.............
- 21-2-2012 video: Down of the Century 1900-1910 very special historical picturies
- 23-2-2011 Very nice video about acupressure points :
- 28-2-2012 Short impressive historical video
- 15-3-2912 Jerusalem Marathon : video
- 15-3-2012 Medical Plants from the Amazone [Suriname]
- 15-3-2012 Bitter melon [momordica] voor diabetes en borst kanker ?
- Egypt, Iran & the Passover Miracle
- 25-3-2012 He often taught us that when someone is speaking to us we should listen with all of our m
- 26-3-2012 Intimacy in Marriage
- 29-3-2012 Very special [ beautiful done] : Chad Gadya in the Middle East
- 29-3-2012 Another parody...........
- 30-2-2012 Another one.............
- 3-4-2012 The greatest Miracle.........
- 3-4-2012 "The total population of the Jewish people is less than a statistical error in the annual
- 'Settlements' Are Legal: don't twist laws
- 5-4-2012 A part of History :The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive – Letter from Israel
- Friday 6-4-2012 Seder night...... Pesach night : explanation
- 9-4-2012 Amazing moving film : Operation Solomon
- 11-4-2012 : "Where is the hat hen was wearing" ?
- 16-4-2012 Learn Hebrew online
- 17-4-2012 Cyber warriors of the IDF [ Israel Defense Forces ]
- "Dodelijke" rota virus....een genegeerde zeer effectieve behandeling
- 17-4-2012 " We have gone Mad"
- 17-4-2012 Uien Onions Hebrew: Batsal
- 19-4-2012 Holocaust day in Israel
- 24-4-2912 Do not use.............any of them !
- FULL MOVIE: Triumph of Spirit
- 25-4-2012 When Sirens Sound, We are One Family
- "This is the day that God has made!" (Ps. 118:24)
- 26-4-2012 A miraculous moment in World history
- 1958 interview with Abba Eban : This incredible man [z"l] : gifted with decency, honesty ,sharpness
- 3-5-2012 When Gos'd hand is more then clear..........
- 3-5-2012 Feeling trapped.........geen enkele uitweg zien..............hopeloos,geen oplossing in zi
- 6-5-2012 Hoe relativeer ik mijn grootste problemen?
- 14-5-2012 Quick oversight of the Bible [Tora] : "crash course"
- 14-5-2012 The "strangest" but all predicted history!
- 20-5-2012 Instructions for Living : beautiful
- 21-5-2012 Was Columbus secretly a Jew?
- 22-5-2012 The #1 Reason for Marriage Problems
- 23-5-2012: Jerusalem Biblical Zoo..............beautiful presentation......worth looking
- 24-5-2012 Besnijdenis--circumcisio: QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Does the Baby Feel Excruciating Pain Duri
- 29-5-2012: hangige tips spierkrampen ,zweertjes in de mond etc
- 29-5-2012: May Israel be blessed with Tora wisdomn and all wisdom useful for mankind!
- 6-6-2012 Jewish Wedding : very nice explanation
- 6-6-2012 Not breastfeeding and extreme mortality!!
- 11-6-2012 How to die?
- 11-6-2012 Husbands, listen up. - Five Things Your Wife Wishes You’d Know but Won’t Tell You
- 11-6-2012 Can there be deeper and more emotional feelings?
- 11-6-2012: Jewish faith and reincarnation?
- 12-6-2012 "Two leaves a day will keep old age away"
- 12-6-2012 A few thousand years later : Oops instead of Efes
- 22-6-2012:What questions will G-d ask you?
- 1-7-2012 : Heroes of Israel
- 1-7-2012: health intervention by public bodies/government, the right thing to do?
- 3-7-2012 Premier Shamir z"l and the Rebbe : de moeite waard dit te bekijken
- 3-7-2012 A question to all the readers:[very curious to hear YOUR OPINION] ............
- 3-7-2012 : Answer on question about metformin
- 8-7-2012 : An interesting interview with one of the world famous anti-terrorist leaders
- 8-7-2012 Jodium [iodine] :Hoe belangrijk is dit werkelijk?
- 8-7-2012 : 36 Years Later, Entebbe Pilot Reveals Plane Barely Took Off
- 13-7-2012: Sepsis: If you have any family member who is seriously ill in the hospital then you bette
- 24-7-2012 Wat is 9 Av?? Een korte video.
- 27-7-2012: Profits and Prophets : from the Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks.....................Did
- 27-7-2012 : Another useful herb: Blessed Thistle=Holy thistle =Cnicus benedictus=Carduus benedictus
- 27-7-2012: Israel space program.... volunteers
- Gember en ovarium kanker
- Grapefruit en kanker -chemotherapy
- Is G-d picking on me?
- Brandnetels: goed voor.......
- Bugs, insect bites en basilicum
- Woorden.............in een mensen leven
- Wanner antiibiotica toe te dienen voor een keizer-snede?
- Wat voor tand vullingen??
- kinkhoest!
- 12-8-2012 Cardiac arrest Hart-stilstand What to do!
- Een voorbeeld van de wonderen van speeksel
- If you suffer from Parkinson or just would like to reach the age of 120....] then sure read this a
- Slapeloos?
- Talmud in Korea!? Verplicht op scholen!
- 4-9-2012 Dry eyes
- 12-9-2012 Su-jok:[Korean} a new system......a free internet book!!!
- The new Year: Rosh ha-Shana ............amazing time of Love
- The MOST Important Video About Israel You’ll Ever See!
- Instructions for Living: beautiful!
- My Syrian Friend :What is the essence of friendship?
- Een tekst om bij stil te staan!! unetane tokef [English with song]
- Treat him as a "billionair".............
- If you wish to know more about the Jewish New year........
- There is no end to the good you can do! Keep the scale up
- Waarom vasten we na Rosh Hashana [Fast of Gedalia]
- Cannabis in Israel
- For [Far-east] travellers!
- Made in Heaven.....
- Worldwide prayer : the Redeemer [the Mashiach]
- Yom Ha-Kippurim [Jom Kippoer]
- Can Holland permit itself to stay at the site of the onlookers??
- The prime ministers ............and the prime ministers specch
- Loofhutten feest.... The ABC of Sukkot [ Dutch: Soekkot]
- G..........staat voor...? JA ,gember -ginger ...lees verder....ongelooflijk??
- Beautiful melody as the Jewish Bride enters
- As the saying goes:...
- Jerusalem of gold , met Engelse vertaling van de Prachtige :Profetische " woorden
- Heb je al een fiets van KARTON??
- International space conference in Jerusalem
- Israel is not out enemy!
- What happened in San Remo in 1920 ? Any idea?
- mmigrants Arrive in Israel on 'Dove's Wings'
- Cameara sees through skin ........and around the corner
- Special visit to Tel Aviv for "uitvinders"
- Israeli fridge [vriezer] on the planet Mars
- IDF [Israel Defense Forces] and High-tech
- What Chinese want to learn from Israel
- Pijn in de hiel ,lower back ,voet?
- The Risks of Not Breastfeeding for Mothers and Infants : sending you just a part of the abstract....
- My Syrian friend
- The presidential election looms. Does it really matter who wins?
- If you were God
- Taking Sandy personally!
- Instructions for Living: beautiful!
- Uit alle hoeken van de Wereld verzameld in Jerusalem
- Pallywood: does it shows up in your vocabulary?
- Famous song: Is niet Efraim Mij een dierbare zoon, is hij Mij niet een troetelkind?
- De begrafenis van Avraham's vrouw Sara en een paar duizend jaar later..........
- .Salt : very good or bad ,how good or how bad?? That is the question which will continue chasing mod
- Treatment of Trichomonas? ["women" / man problems]
- Lung-On-A-Chip: Treating Pulmonary Edema
- Children in bomb shelters since they are born: can you imagine this in a Dutch city??
- Details about the last few days in Israel...........
- Always wandering if somebody bothered to examine the effect of Moon-light, which from a [my] "religi
- When a country pays the bill for their enemy...........
- Sad situation when we want to be 'correct" toward arch- enemies..........
- Waarom aanvaarden we dit?? Tot het een grote Europeze stad treft....[geen normaal mens hoopt dat] ..
- They should not be allowed to live.....!!
- Short [secret ] interview about the Iron dome defense system
- If you have not seen this short video yet......then see it now.
- Simpele informatie voor wie echt wil weten.......
- DejaVueinGAZA [AZA]
- Weer iets medisch....over blaas infecties en een simpele plant
- Hamas: waar de waarheid li[e]gt.... where the truth lies
- 1+1=2, but what do you do if it is claimed to be 3?
- Goed dit te zien wanneer "wilde beesten" Jeruzalem proberen te beschieten........
- Another day..............from hour to hour
- Beeleden,beelden en Ban Ki Moon die "alles schijnt te begrijpen"............
- Would you have the possibility and "courage" to send this video to all your friends and post it on f
- The true strength of the Israeli army !
- Some simple to find acupressure points and their indications [use]
- What is the Mideast word for "cease-fire"?
- Yael as a"super-woman"
- Have you ever heard the name Menashe? See this video....fascinating
- Helicobacter: Among the plants that killed H. pylori, turmeric was the most efficient, followed by
- Not only for rabbits.............Carrots גזר Good for diabetes and much more
- Another spice: Cardamon [in Israel called : HEL].........The diuretic and sedative effects may offer
- Common sense [no non-sense] talk!
- PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Statement on the Palestinian move at the UN
- These images say it All
- About Truth
- Cardamon , a special spice!
- Israel's strory in Maps [ PDF] Clearly illustrated
- OOIT gerealiseerd? From Dan to Beer Sheba....
- Animation video for lightening CHANUKKA CANDLES
- Science [fiction]
- Science MINUS fiction!!
- Are there no other countries in the world? Whole of Europe??
- Some opinions [video]
- When and how to fight!?
- Israeli soldier and a woman from Gaza
- Powerful Truth on Peace in the Middle East
- Entrepreneurship and High-tech Industry in Israel
- Iets ongelooflijks is nu vrij gegeven aan de hele wereld......!! Dode zee rollen
- The blessings of our modern world!
- In the beginning.........
- Brave new world........surgical simulation!
- Netanyahu at his best
- Voor degenen met Stalen zenuwen.......
- A window in the door!?
- Victor Hugo : les Miserables and the bible
- The famous Dispute in Barcelona
- Unieke film: General Allenby in Jerusalem 1917 Footage!
- IAF Israeli Air Force fly over Auschwitz- Tribute To Victims
- Tell Your Children, Because it Returns
- Acute stijve nek, kan je hoofd niet draaien??
- The Rabbi and the Cow
- GPS for brain surgeons
- Knesset takes revolutionary step by outlawing the import, marketing and sale of any toiletries whose
- Geen "kerst-mannetje"........gebed bij de Kotel ["klaagmuur"] in de sneeuw
- De Egyptische plagen en de reactie van het Joodse volk
- The battle for life is a battle for sanity.
- "You are eating like an animal", said mother to her sun...............maybe not such a bad idea at a
- Israel en Ecologie
- Judaism and the environment
- Some short but very important medical tips
- [ After the ] Israeli elections
- .
- Nieuwe uitvinding: Israelische "sneeuw-wielen"
- Incredible Technology!
- If you really wants to know what happens behind the screens in part of the Arabic world..........
- Israeli hospital in Africa and Obama's family
- Exercise in spiritual mobility.....no need for explanation of this video
- Never underestimate an old potatoe!
- Facebook from a special Turkish woman!
- For all Flora lovers !
- Forwarding this to you: a worthy project for anybody feeling a connection with Israel and who is lo
- VIDEO: Very interesting about future medicine
- The wonders of nature
- .
- Restless sleep............what can you do in the middle of the night?
- Farewell to the Pope
- Animation of the PURIM STORY
- Galblaas stenen en Nierstenen
- Verbazende "Airshow" van vogels in het Israelische lucht ruim......a MUST
- All about olive oil : from bible history until today shopping
- If only I would have known!! Why G-d gave us a subconscious
- Waar te masseren bij asthma of hoest ? [dit in niet het enige punt]
- Microscopic robots inside cell..............science-fiction?
- The irony could not be more striking.
- Garlic-Knofllook in Israel
- Letter to President Obama from Rabbi Lau
- President Obama : How far can Israel prepare...?!
- Passover [Pasen]-Pesach : crash-course
- What if Moses had Facebook !
- Why does the sea does not flood [over] us?? Who restraints the sea
- You are never alone
- One man........who acted and a miracle occurred
- For those who know a bit of Hebrew
- The week of Pesach [in Israel]
- Photo-essay: preparing for Passover [interesting]
- Passover [pasen] in the Israeli army [IDF]
- Could you believe this....?!
- Woon je dicht bij Schiphol??
- Charlie de 104 jaar oude papegaai [parrot] en Winston Churchill...
- Israel field hospital helping wounded Syrian population
- “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
- Every human being is created in the image of God and...
- A short moving video
- Israel: the Brain nation
- The blooming desert-The Negev
- Holocaust remembrance day [evening] in Yad va-shem
- Some history......Buchenwald
- [The G-d of] Israel will not allow this again!
- The Auschwitz album............will be here until end of times
- Do you want to read the bible in its original language?
- Heroes of Israel
- ISRAEL: amazing facts at its 65 th birthday
- A tribute to the "Iron Lady" !
- Remembrance day of Israeli fallen soldiers and those murdered by cold blooded non-human beings.
- Spectacular choreography in downtown Jerusalem celebrating Israel's birthday.
- News from Israel
- Beautiful song from Ofra Haza z"l
- Hava Nagila......concert
- The world Greatest Love Story
- Herzl: was he mistaken?
- 5 minuten lachen!
- Why do we never learn? History....
- Vanuit Jeruzalem.......hartelijke felicitaties
- Vanuit Jeruzalem.......hartelijke felicitaties
- Sowing with tears
- A letter to the World from Jerusalem
- 46 years ago on this day..........“opportunity the likes of which has not been granted for thousands
- Incredible!!
- What was the fruit that Eva ate from??
- Dear Professor Hawking
- A charming interview......not my world , but special
- Simple, genius discovery: measuring eye pressure [glaucoma]
- What can we learn from the kangaroos? Life-saving!
- Als alle hoop zowat opgegeven is..............dood voor de ogen
- Can you sit down quiet and think that this will not reach you
- Op de buik of op de rug?
- Worth reading !!! CRANBERRIES [from memorial sloan-kettering cancer center] .........some parts of t
- Does G-d really exist....?
- Maria distel [milkthistle] : als hulp tegen melanoma
- Because of this we are all here....
- Oog om oog...........of anders??
- Wagner ....muzuek niet welkom in Israel? Waarom?
- E-book Honest reporting
- Chinese film team In Jerusalem
- Iron : good or bad for you?
- Modern Germany and Jews
- How to make a mirror from a piece of the wall?
- Curtis Sliwa: Tough Times Demand Tough Jews, Tough Israel
- Israeli army relives Six Day War on Twitter
- A full course of jewish history [FREE!]
- Photo-gallery of the IDF [Israeli Defence Forces]
- The super billion dollar airplane with vertical landing.........may Israel never wii have to use the
- President Shimon Peres 90 years! Speeches in Hebrew and English [Clinton]
- Barbara Streisand singing "Avinu Malkenu"[Our Father,Our King] at president Peres 90th bithday
- Some beautiful songs from Ester Ofarim
- Lever cirrhosis en een belangrijk supplement........expeditie naar Antartica
- Hoe winst bejag en medische steek geleden [van de sun screen fabrikanten] al vele jaren de waarheid
- Weer kunnen zien! Israeli retina -chip
- Who is rich?
- Equal female rights in the Tora.............Where?
- World War Z
- The Iranian Mystery Man.............fascinating story
- Arabs[Christians] in the Israeli army
- Hoe behandel je een gebroken schildpad's rug?
- In 1922, the League of Nations confirmed.............
- Exactly 37 years ago, while the US was celebrating the bicentennial on July 4, 1976..............
- Against all Odds [tegen alle logica in ...]
- Fiddler on the roof
- Colitis ulcerosa behandeld met "plantjes"
- On this day......the 9th of Av
- Video :Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire – Focusing on the Jewish Revolution that Led to
- Niersteen aanval en acupressuur behandeling [een punt]
- Wie had DIT kunnen dromen!?
- Pijnlijke menstruate
- Would you like to drastically improve your singing-capacity? Voila!
- Did you wake up already??
- Bidens: an interesting herb from the Amazone to Europe to Africa and more
- The Jewish Descendants of Kaifeng.wmv
- If you know just a few Hebrew letters , look at this...fascinating
- The invention of an incredible car for every purpose!
- Cyrus,Belshatzar : A "Ted" story
- Duur van de gemiddelde zwangerschap......al bekend in 2013??
- A long time ago.......
- At this time of the Year... worth listening : for everybody
- About a "simple apple"......
- Wat is het verschil tussen M....en M.....?
- The time of the Mashiach [Messia]:What will happen?
- The unmasking of the Red Cross
- Tchaikovsky Flashwaltz at Hadassah Hospital
- What is LOVE?
- Don't Fear!
- Some happy notes before the Jewish New year [Rosh ha-Shana]
- How can I change my life?
- Love...........on the day of judgement.................When all inhabitants of the Earth are judged
- Can we permit our self to miss the train? KOL NIDRE
- Happy music with meaning
- Chinese Bamboo......
- Soul-piercing music: Kol Nidre
- Kol Nidrey,Moscow Male Jewish Cappella,cantor J. Malovany,Alexander Tsaliuk
- The man who saved the world [26 September 1983] A must look!! May cause you to shiver.
- The science behind the Shofar
- Levens-reddend
- J.esus in the jewish vision
- Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on Plato's Ghost
- For those of you interested in learning Hebrew online
- Yom Kippur: Father's Day for the Jewish People
- Real wisdom
- This Yom Kippur, Let's Be Sealed in the Book of Life!
- The Yom Kippur War: Forty Years Later 1973-2013
- Amazing!!
- Wat in Holland niet vanzelf sprekend is......
- Sent in the past: ingegroeide teen nagel!
- Gotu Kola... a remarkable useful medical herb!
- A fascinating discovery with consequences until today........... a secret known to a gypsy in the 17
- Een stuk video geschiedenis : de moeite waard
- Children with epilepsy......a real solution
- Should we start believe in "aliens"?
- Pindakaas : wat is er bijzonder aan?
- Kollosale doorbraak in kanker behandeling!!
- Korte videa over borst kanker detectie met thermographie
- Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, 'Greatest Rabbi of the Generation,' has Died
- DE begravenis van Rav Ovadia Yosef die nu In Jeruzalem plaats vindt
- If you honestly want to try to understand............
- Onverwachte ontknoping....!
- Why Prostate Drug, Doxazosin, Increases Likelihood Of Heart Failure
- Wat heeft pindakaas met Alzheimer te maken??
- The Maharal of Prague would be probably not very surprised to see this medical Golem : The 3D heart
- [Marathon] runners
- 5 wegen die helpen je kind mee te krijegen en niet tegen je...
- Ooginfectie: thuis behandeling
- The man who taught me to Fly
- A fascinating miracle!! Een ongelooflijk verhaal
- Zie de video even hiervoor verstuurd: a fascinating miracle en bekijk dan de "tablet"
- In hoeverre is kanker screening wenselijk of schadelijk?
- Ongelooflijk mooie video ......Stradivarius
- Liefdes appelen: Duda'im ----Mandrakes דוּדָאִים Whatever: mandrakes -as we
- Bevalling vermakkelijken
- Bent U wel eens in the Portugese Synagoge in Amsterdam geweest? Prachtige Muzikale uitvoering kunt U
- F.D.A. Ruling Would All but Eliminate Trans Fats PLEASE READ: The blessing received by Denmark......
- Powerful speech of The chief Rabbi of Englsand
- Impressive Priestly blessing at the Kotel [Western wall] ["klaagmuur"]
- Frustrated artist
- The blessings [and "curses"] of modern medicine
- Werkelijk niet geschiktvoor "overgevoeligen".......
- Hamas Leader Sends Granddaughter to Israel for Treatment
- Een fascinerende voordracht
- Instructions for Living......you can't see this often enough!
- Israel's 'Angels in Green' Descend on Philippines
- Israel Air Force Refuels Mid-air :spectacular
- When the world is good.......!
- The Lady in Number 6 is one of the most inspirational stories ever told. 109 year old, Alice Herz S
- Pagina 'This kind of powerful speech has hardly been heard since the passing of Abba Eban
- Dit kon de EU waarschijnlijk niet geloven zonder dit te zien met eigen ogen!
- December 2 2013 Is Israel preparing for a preemptive strike on Iran?
- Don't watch if you are very sensitive........What can save Israel with God's help
- The MOST Important Video About Israel You'll Ever See!
- Where have the 10 tribes gone? [see interesting article]
- According to an Arab proverb, "In the black seed [ Ketzach] is the medicine for every disease except
- Film for Palestinian children....!
- King Louis XIV of France asked Blaise Pascal, the great French philosopher, to give him proof of th
- The rise of Islam...........excellent summary with lot of not-well known facts.
- Is there Life after Birth?
- Non surgical cicumcision-besnijdenis [an Israeli invention] in Africa saving milliond of lives
- Ongebruikelijk in Nederland, maar hier ligt alles stil [in jerusalem en hogere streken]
- The best of our nation...
- Dutch Prime Minister in Israel and some reactions...
- Hava Nagila Has Reached The Fourth Corner of The World!
- FASCINATING STORY : WEIZAC: Israel's first computer
- Impressive talk: The united nations
- Bitter melon [a vegetable,looks like a "ribbed" cucumber] : momordica charantia :also against BREAST
- Zo'n 70 jaar later....!
- Exciting.....de opvouw auto!
- kANEEL voor suiker ziekte [diabetes] : DIABETES :"We recommend that people take ¼ to 1 teaspoon dail
- The Israeli company Prime Sense developed a technology with 3D sensors which allow its users to con
- How did "modern Hebrew"[IVRIT] started?
- Elk commentaar is overbodig.....!!
- Amazing medical data about brain scans! Video
- If you are technical.............new cool technologies
- Ovarium kanker mede behandeld met een oude specerij
- How to read your dog's brain!?
- Living in a high building? This may save your life!!
- Michelangelo & the Meaning of the New Year 5774 or 2014?
- Do you know where part of your money goes too?
- Does God loves dogs?
- For those of you who are interested in archaeology and the Bible
- Should Holland no know better....?
- News from Israel : Ariel SHaron z"l
- When [ male ] sexual dysfunction is a problem.........erectile dysfunction as it is called in modern
- Another plant for sexual "weakness" [erectile dysfunction], available in all health food shops [ jus
- Ziets als : Ik kan niet al die Chinezen uit elkaar houden.....
- Memorial words for Ariel Sharon
- Very nice short video...!
- Does this kind of video's are seen in Holland?
- Some "bird-biology" from the Tora
- Ooit grhoord van the The New year of the trees? [Tu-Bishvat]
- Een recept voor dadels [dates]
- Where is the best place in the world to be born as a dog?
- Japanese arriving at airport Ben Gurion........special
- What do you know about circumcision[besnijdenis]?
- Wat zou je doen als je net iets at in een cafetaria in Tel Aviv [ of Amsterdam }??
- Wat zou je doen als je net iets at in een cafetaria in Tel Aviv [ of Amsterdam }??
- Or, should we perhaps ban all future pregnancies and births..............
- New Guiness record of a very special type.......
- Een ongelloflijk "toeval".....2000 jaar geleden voorspeld op een unieke mysterieuze manier!!
- Propolis : a nearly magic medicine
- Understanding the wisdom of Judaism's most important prayer. An Aish.com Film
- Heroes of Israel: Chief Rabbi Lau Buchenwald's youngest survivor.
- Tijdelijk moeite met borstvoeding?
- ?
- The Koran and the truth
- Is there a country in the world who treats his enemies in war-time??
- Epilepsie en metformin!!
- Hypnosis en borst kanker
- Coincidence is but God’s way of choosing to remain anonymous.
- When the loss of one life -which is not considered to be "cheap" ,can lead to new technology
- From pauper to billionaire
- Folium zuur tegen constipatie
- What is your last name.....??? [familie-naam]
- If you have not seen this yet......
- Tension in the North :Syrian airplanes
- Bill Gates and others about Israel
- De zeer speciale bekende Fidler on the roof : serie video gedeeltes
- The key to maturity
- Aspirin: 115 de verjaardag! Mazal tov
- Is the world , including Europe uttermost stupid??
- Marvin's dance..
- Anyone can count the seeds in an apple....
- If You Don’t Think The Jewish Exodus From Egypt Was Real, Then Watch This Video And Think Again
- "Toevallig"bestaat niet.................lees onderstaand verhaal
- "Impossible'' Israeli aircraft happening........
- Why we love Zombies...
- Amazing new defense system !!
- Preparing for strike on Iran? When the rest of the world is "asleep"
- Syrian desperately asking for Israeli help [bomb the country !]
- Hitler rose from his "grave" to be punished even worse!
- Jewish psychology: Recomposing life without Freud
- First Israeli spacecraft to be on the moon!
- Medische mond harmonica
- Wat te doen tijdens een examen voor betere concentratie?
- Dog instead of Doc........ Dogs instead of doctors..... much cheaper and much more kind
- If you like archeology!
- OCHTEND zon en gewichts verlies [afslanken]
- A remarkable drug for severe depressions!! Used since long in the tropics
- Jules Verne could not have dreamt about this......Schneiders children Hospital in Israel..........
- Cyber-attack on Israel? Doomed to fail.............may all come back on their heads
- The road to success!
- Exodus in the digital age: very humoristic
- The new Israeli Einstein tablet!
- Clowns in the delivery room [verloskamer]
- Israeli hackers as reaction on Arabic threat
- Unieke zegel ring ontdekt van Pharao ,ouder dan 3000 jaar
- Israeli President Pers on Chinese" Facebook" Weibo and millions of reactions...
- Israel new spy satellite in the orbit.............remarkable technique
- Thanks God that he give us these weapons....
- New: mobile radar
- The best joke you will have heard in your life....!!!
- A few interesting [ medical ] Pesach issue [for everybody but mainly for Jewish readers]
- Music in Hadassa Hospital
- Passover and the stars [the zodiac]: Jewish vision on astrology
- Resveratrol : a bit of a miraculous supplement
- Resveratrol : a bit of a miraculous supplement
- How would you deal with this in your country?
- Mysteries and Mental Exercises ?
- When ten thousands are blessed in a special prayer-servive at the Kotel [klaagmuur"]by hundreds of J
- Wat is Maimuna / Mimuna?
- Twee leeuwen in the Jerusalem Zoo met hun beste vreind.....
- Israel commemorates Holocaust Memorial Day and more
- Where was God in the Holocaust?
- Two minutes of "frozen Israel"
- Extreme powerful speech on Holocaust day by Rav Lau [surviver]
- Life uitzending nu: jaarlijkse doden herdenking [soldaten] Israel
- Life : national Bible quiz on Israel independence day, candidates from all over the world
- Foetale zuurstof gebrek tijdens de bevalling......een speciale therapie !
- A very beautiful , emotional video ....Am Israel Chai....Het volk Israel leeft !
- A very powerful speech [vido] by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
- The rotationof the moon, Carl Sagan and the science of 2000 years ago
- Will you be able to still be INDIFFERENT after seeing this again when anybody speaks [is barking] up
- Amazing women
- Two persons who are never jealous!
- Schitterend en humoristisch!
- Kindness to animals in the Jewish tradition
- Field hospital on Syrian border [see video 2 and 3]
- Elegant perfect spoken Hebrew course [not for free]
- Heavenly Wisdom
- King Solomon understood the language of the animals.........Are we on our way to decipher the unique
- If walnuts are good for the brain, then maybe the song [music] of the walnut tree may benefit our b
- Why man should not use cosmetics, aftershave etc etc..........The work suggests that endocrine disru
- Why man should not use cosmetics, aftershave etc etc..........The work suggests that endocrine disru
- This also happened.........kippe-vel!
- May Siamese twins be separated morally if one will die by doing so?
- Wat zegt een Jood als hij de Paus mocht zien nu deze Jeruzalem bezoekt?
- This beautiful song composed by Naomi Shemer z"l
- Al kol ele.............beautiful.........Engelse woorden
- Will the threat of Iran be ended?
- Historical moment that will never be wiped out from memory!
- One of the most famous photo's in the world
- What do you know about the biblical Ruth? A beautiful story
- The Israeli air force ..........when seconds can mean survival of a nation
- When the new Israeli president danced a long time ago .....text in English
- The singing guitarist Rabbi [z"l]: Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
- What has the world-cup to do with an Israeli drone??
- A bit ironic ........an Italian ["Roman"]opera at Masada
- Kidnapping....you shall not steal
- Peace with these!!??
- Europe anno 2014....
- The splitting of the "red-sea" and other miracles?
- Connectie tussen laag vitamine A gehalte en Asthma
- Laag vitamine A en sterke menstruel bloeding. Hoe een laag vitamine A gehalte te diagnostiseren?
- Voorkoming van metastasen van postaat kanker met vitamine A
- Mazelen voor zover nog bestaand!
- Antwoord op de splijting van de "rode zee" en andere wonderen
- Blaas kanker? Iets simpels maar
- Have you heard of the 10 lost tribes of Israel??
- Wanneer zelfs diepe putten worden leeg gepompt....!!
- De bijzondere eigenschappen van apple cider vinegar ["appel-azijn]
- A remarkable revival: Polish museum
- Lionel Messi...........see /read further !!
- Emotional speech before the UN
- Have you heard about Marfan syndrome? Extremely important to diagnose.....may save your life!
- Joseph, the sun Jacov, born im Mesopotamia and this story in short.
- Hoe de Nedelandse margarine industrie nog steeds de gemiddelde Nederlander voor "acherlijk" houdt...
- A day of deep mourning and a day of intense strengthening of the Jewish people
- Obama ......judge yourself
- Imagine if it was in your country......!!
- Bertrand Russell grumbled in 1924 that “it is impossible to read in America, except on a train, beca
- Schadelijke en onnodige medische onderzoekingen
- Picture......keep cool!
- Bronchiolitis : kortademigheid bij zuigelingen = niet gelijk aan astma
- Worth reading!!
- Do you realize this in Holland or in any place on earth??
- Did this ever excist in history?
- Do you have a smart-phone or the like? Then look at this
- Not bad for the British Sun News
- A famous saying!
- De zoveelste "trial".....
- Het zou makkelijker zijn om met een ratel-slang in discussie te gaan........very strong talk!!
- Army of the Jews.....special "weapons"
- Two centuries ago, the great German poet Goethe said: "The hardest thing to see is what is in front
- Any honest person will spread this video!!
- A single Dog in time of war........what is his shelter?
- Donkeys used by Hamas
- Tunnels.....no end to it
- Do yoy know any army in the world which treats the wounded enemy, an enemy who does not just want to
- Shocking testimonials about Hamas...If you are "over-sensitive" don't look
- The most simple straighforward lecture you may ever have heard!
- Science fiction or far more than that?
- God given intelligence give to Israel to keep us alive! How thankful should we be for all this
- Do you know what is happening partially with your money? Do you agree??
- No more apologies!
- No more apologies!
- muskiete-beten: wat te doen?
- Wonderfull education...
- Zieken-huis op de grens van Aza [Gaza]
- Worst than the most fantastic HORROr story
- Egypt cursing Hamas
- Don't cry for Us!
- Response to the Lancet by Prof Edgar Pick [Tel Aviv]
- Would you like to disappear hand-cuffed in a tunnel/grave and be kept there for years??
- 9 th of the Hebrew month Av.....what is this and what will it be in the feature?
- Wat heeft Napoleon te makem met Tisha be-av [de 9 de Av]??
- The Hamas miracle........yes, really!
- Video: A master piece of Philosophy, logic and humor....if you have patience
- Lang geleden , voor de Radar
- An amazing interview
- Horrible....sorry .if you can't wake up already, it maybe too late even in a short time for all of E
- A 30 second video with a clear message
- History: who tells me this is true?
- Fascinating discovery [for me at least]
- A quick clear [drawn] history
- Fidler on the roof............Isaac Stern!!!
- Unbelievable nice if you never saw this: From Mao to Mozart_ Isaac Stern in China (Complete)
- Hoe de schade na bestraling te verminderen? Radiation protection
- The 4 women paramedics
- Sheik Professor Abdul Palazzi.....worth hearing!!
- ISIS and Israel
- Ha-tikva sung at the Western Wall [kotel ] in Jerusalem]
- This is Israel's strength.....could you think of a better answer?
- Een veel zeggende foto!
- How a mammogram taught me to control my Anger
- Eichman: what is the connection with ISIS?
- 10 short medical tips!
- What does Rosh Ha-Shana [NEW YEAR] means for Jews /Israeli's?
- Special song, showing our trust
- Very colourful dance and song
- One of the most famous ,beautiful songs , composed "prophetically" by Naomi Shemer,
- "Why I hope to die at.......:"
- New super medical Technology
- Amazing: Short video: Mother of Murdered Israeli Teen: A Rosh Hashanah Message
- Magnificent, awfull poem :Unetana Tokef......who shall live and who will die
- Adam and Eve created
- "sorry" !
- Rafael: The proud of Istael's technology
- Can people change??
- Eye-opener...if they were still closed
- Ever heard such a thing??
- Chronische long problemen?? COPD ?? Zie dan deze mail
- Een Glimp van het Loof hutten feest in de "oude stad" van Jeruzalem
- The 2 yearly priestly blessing at the wailing wall ["Klaagmuur"]
- This is an incredible plane! But what’s really incredible in this story is the pilot. Captain Ziv Ne
- Nature's wonders : salt cubes at the Dead Sea [yam ha-melach]
- Nearing the coming of the Meshiach? [Messiah]
- very coluorful multinational manifestation in Jerusalem...some 8000 individuals from nearly all nati
- Israeli rescue mission in Nepal
- Israeli rescue mission in Nepal
- What would a doctor do if Hitler's daughter- agreeing with her father- would have asked for treatmen
- This is the most fantastic video you may have ever seen or see in your life....it may cause you some
- The Hospital that does not exist!
- A fascinating Guru story
- ACTION ALERT: Tell Westin there's no room forACTION ALERT: Tell Westin there's no room for [dogmati
- Every now and then I am sending this beautiful short video .
- This will reach all parts of the world if people don't wake up!
- Incredible genetics!!
- Whi is REALLY protecting Israel? Any idea? From a famous scientist
- Biblical creation of the world and science
- Flood in the negev dessert ...can sweep everything away!
- Exciting new medical procedures for the prostate!!
- Certificate [Utrecht]
- Amazing Nature.........and how careful we should be
- Good for stress or a bad mood!!
- HaTikva .... The Hope
- About Love
- Ever heard from the "DRUZE" community?? Special
- Did asnyone ever told you who bought Jerusalem?
- Aparthied
- how a woman got totally cancer free?
- Yesterday I sent you an article about Goji berries with the following title. Goji berries good for p
- how a woman got totally cancer free?
- Grapefruit zaden als antibioticum
- IQ
- IQ
- IQ
- crataegus
- harold jitschak bueno de mesquta
- Komkommers
- In the Forest.......In het Bos
- Planten verkorten ziekenhuis opnamee
- Tanden en tandvlees sparen!!
- Prachtige melodie
- Phytagoras in de bijbel
- 2 simple spices to feel better
- Koloossale list van usefull herbs!!
- 72 virgins.......if Freud was alive......
- Peeling fingertips|: Koriander mogelijk als oplossing!
- Menstruatiei pijnen
- alle artikelen
- New -old options for lung cancer!!
- Verstoppertje spelen en...G-d
- Beans Cancer
- Een" tent" als een huis??
- Multiple sclerosis en succes met Padma
- If you like beauty! Amsterdan
- Zebra
- Marjoram SUPER-SPICE-Alzheimer
- Voor degen die het verhaal kennen.......
- 9/11 and the Masai of Kenya
- Homocysteine: ooit van gehoord??
- Bijna niet te geloven!! easy birth!
- Perzikken!! als medicijn
- Een kleine "miracle pill"
- Medisch
- Alternatief medisch
- Opinies
- Wisdom/Tora / Bijbel
- all articles
- dr-bueno.com
- heel belangrijk!!
- dr-bueno.com
- dr-bueno.com
- https://www.sefaria.org.il/Sotah.5a.19?lang=bi
- https://wordpress.com/view/dr-bueno.com
- https://bdmesq.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=19902&action=edit
- https://dr-bueno.com/2023/10/31/email-to-prof-andrew-weil-former-harvard-graduate/
- https://dr-bueno.com/2023/11/01/cats-can-help-solve-a-crime/
- https://dr-bueno.com/
- latest news
- Sad, but reality
- The real COWBOYS
- parrot --papagaai gered uit Gaza
- Goed voor alles
- Gehoor verlies
- https://dr-bueno.com/2023/11/20/analysis-logic-and-knowledgeable-i-think/
- Sciatic nerve : forbidden for Jews
- Sciatic nerve