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Translation, etc.
Al ha-dvash ve'al ha-okets Al ha-mar vehamatok Al bitenu ha-tinoket Shmor eli ha-tov.
Al ha-esh ha-mevo'eret Al ha-mayim ha-zakim Al ha-ish hashav ha-bayta Min ha-merchakim
Al kol elehh, al kol eleh Shmor na li eli ha-tov Al hadvash ve'al ha'okets Al ha-mar vehamatok
Al na ta'akor natu'a Al tishkach et hatikva Hashiveni venashuva El ha'aretz ha-tova
Shmor eli al ze ha-bayit al ha-gan al ha-choma Miyagon mipachad peta umimilchama.
Shmor al ha-me'at sheyesh li Al ha-or ve'al ha-taf Al ha-pri shelo hivshil od Veshene'esaf
Pizmon: Al kol eleh ....
For All These Things
Over the honey and the stinger Over the bitter and the sweet Over our daughter, our baby My God, watch over what is good
Over the flame that is burning Over the water running pure Over the man returning home from far away
Chorus: Over all these, Over all these God please watch over them for me, Over the honey and the stinger Over the bitter and the sweet
Do not uproot what is planted Do not forget the hope Return me, and I will return to the good land.
Watch over this house for me, my God, the garden, and the wall protect them from pain, from sudden fear And from war.
Watch over for me the little I have The light, the baby over the fruit that has not ripened and over what has already been reaped.