Voorbereiding voor een operatie

Before and after an operation  לפני ואחרי כירורגיה

Surgery has been referred to as “benign violence” (Waldron EE 1985)—an appropriate term for the calculated and deliberate wounding of a human body, even when the goal is the noble one of curing disease.

We have wonderful surgeons in Israel [ BE-CHOL ZOT.....may none of us need them]

What is less wonderful is the preparation before surgery .

I still have to see a patient who was told what to take before and after surgery[I am not speaking about heparine/clexan or antibiotics : very important things!! ] to reduce the risks and speed up the healing.

Really quite a bit is known about all this now a days, but as it seems not applied.

It is simple but still to complicated to write  a general program

“covering” the potentially problems  of every patient schedules for surgery before surgery.

In general maybe one can say that extra vitamin C and plenty of curcum before and after surgery may do a lot of good, but even so one should be aware that even with “innocent"curcum one should be careful if there are [large] gall bladder stones [cholelithiasis]

Vitamin E can be important but don’t take it without discussing it  because it may increase bleeding.

Extra Zinc is nearly a must for everybody.

Eating extra fish before a operation may do a lot of good.

Vitamin A maybe of major importance as well.

For heart patients q10 and taurine may be useful,but all of this I write you only to make you aware of the various possibilities which may make a operation safer.

May this e-mail be “only” of theoretical interest to you!