30-5-2011 Honey... dwash and all the good things about it

Honey... dwash and all the good things about it

HONEY................D'WASH and all the good things about it.

  Honey is not equal to sugar even if you find this still stated in the best medical textbooks!

[Don't insult the bees!]

Honey is a very complex substance, even if it is composed mostly of simple sugars such as fructose and glucose.

It contains "additives" from the digestive system of the bee which are helping to preserve the honey for a long time.

The first thing one should know is that any heating of honey should be avoided [so absolutely no cooking and baking with honey!!]

In one of the oldest medical traditions [ayurveda from India] heated honey is considered to be harmful.

If you buy honey, make sure that it is pure unheated honey.


Honey can be put into tea etc if the tea is already has cooled down to a temperature that it is possible to drink it, without burning yourself.

Ayurveda stated thousand of years ago that honey [a certain amount] is not causing problems in patients with diabetes. Trusting this tradition I have prescribed honey-with a quiet feeling- for over 28 years to patients with diabetes.

This was absolutely non-sense in the eyes of modern western medicine, but it recently has been proven to be a fact.

Honey may even reduces blood sugar!!

Honey can be used with huge benefit in many medical conditions

Honey is good for the eyes and for the heart [it helps decrease homocysteine, an important marker of heart disease]

In a relatively short time, people with high cholesterol taking honey experienced modest reductions in cholesterol levels, and, perhaps more importantly, dramatic reductions in CRP.[also a possible marker of heart disease]

Thus, while there is a good deal of evidence that eating refined sugars such as sucrose and fructose may increase the risk of heart disease eating honey is not only safe, but may actually be good for the heart.



Honey can be tremendously beneficial to your digestive system , a type of sugar found in honey, increases the populations of bifidobacteria and lactobacillus, the "good bacteria" in our gut that are known as probiotics.

Good bacteria in the intestines can prevent and treat many serious conditions.

Honey is safe and effective to use on hard-to-heal wounds and has been used for centuries to aid in the healing of persistent wounds and burns.

Honey was found to be as effective as, or more effective than, silver sulfadiazine (SSD), one of the most common topical treatments for burns. Honey has even saved amputation of legs, when affected by severe complicated diabetic ulcers.

As such it is also very useful as well for treatment of decubitus ulcers in old age homes [wounds caused by lying on the same site for a long time]

At least one reason for this is simple to understand: it is rich in sugar, which allows it to draw infection and fluid from wounds by a process called osmosis. Bacteria cannot grow in honey because there isn't enough free water for them to use (it's bound to the sugars and enzymes in the honey)

Because its water activity is so low, honey will pick up water from the air when exposed. If the honey picks up enough water on its surface, it will eventually ferment, this is in fact why you should always keep the lid closed tightly.

 You may believe it or not: a cup of regular tea with  good  [unheated] honey will prevent tooth-decay [asheshet]. Just as sugarcane does!! [not sugar]

Eating honey with a calcium rich meal appears to enhance calcium absorption [at least in rats]

 A natural combination of honey, olive oil, and beeswax can provide significant benefit to people suffering from eczema or psoriasis.

If you wish to prepare this at home, ask me for instructions.

 For nurses and doctors: honey may be used, better then anything else, for catherisation.

Mouth ulcers from chemotherapy can be benefit a lot from honey also from some extra zinc as tablets.]

The amount of honey which may be used per day can be without any problem: 2 tablespoons.

Only types who belong to the pitta type in ayurveda [ "hot" people [don't tolerate heat ,sun etc] may have to use honey more sparingly

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