If walnuts are good for the brain, then maybe the song [music] of the walnut tree may benefit our brain as well [see e-mail sent just before this one] Children with "hyperactivity"? [ADHD etc] At least worth an innocent trial!

Some pure fantasy from me for the moment:

 If walnuts are good for the brain, then maybe the song [music] of the walnut tree may benefit our brain as well [see e-mail sent just before this one] Children with "hyperactivity"? [ADHD etc] At least worth an innocent trial!

Select the red link.....then right click on the selected link and go to htpp//





by Bartholomäus Traubeck

Years cover art
supported by
Saille thumbnail
Saille This song went straight to my heart and uncrinkled it..... magical work Bartholomaus... any more trees? Please would love to hear moreFavorite track: Alnus (Alder).
hermann schindler thumbnail
hermann schindler daring and exceptional. like new music should be!
debora le may thumbnail
debora le may this touched a place in my soul, like the song of the humpback, or the voice of the wolf.
nick stiverson thumbnail
nick stiverson It's amazing to me that someone was able to create this project--it is, quite literally, the voice of the trees. Mr. Traubeck is the Lorax of the music world.
Every track is sparse and haunting, and pairs well with a good scotch. Just sit back, sip and listen.Favorite track: Fraxinus (Ash).
photondetector thumbnail
photondetector Fantastically cool idea & implementation aside, there's some actually great music here. Favorite track: Fraxinus (Ash).
Michael Harding thumbnail 1888bc thumbnail Joshua Bosse thumbnail HIDEHIKO WATANABE thumbnail Joe Adelaars thumbnail Luis Ezequiel Zarate thumbnail Mark Wilmot thumbnail Leo Lankhuijzen thumbnail Bill Morris thumbnail Wanda S thumbnailEd Pettersen thumbnail Brielle Garling thumbnail Callum Oakley thumbnail Shaun Blezard thumbnail Grace Schmidt thumbnail elrrek thumbnail stephen robb thumbnail Alexandre Mancini thumbnail Kara Reilly thumbnail spocchia thumbnailMark Scivier thumbnail ashley hunt thumbnail Josh Brede thumbnail YonderWanderer thumbnail kosta iconomou thumbnail Travis Thomas thumbnail Erick Decks Music thumbnail Alexander Keen thumbnail peter clarke thumbnail Robert B thumbnailtitusgroan thumbnail William Chaney thumbnail Emma thumbnail SH IV IV IV thumbnail Ryan Miller thumbnail Martyk thumbnail MADAMIC thumbnail Bossi Baker thumbnail Kerstin Nachtschaf thumbnail cassettes thumbnailCameron Davis thumbnail Michael too thumbnail Gabriel Jenkins thumbnail demonui thumbnail Josh Lamdin thumbnail Alejandro Badani thumbnail vinzenz thumbnail 弦也 大橋 thumbnail Mitchell Kissack thumbnail Caroline Lassovszky thumbnailmore...
Fraxinus (Ash) 00:00 / 05:21
  • Immediate download of 7-track album in the high-quality format of your choice (MP3, FLAC, and more), plus unlimited mobile access using the free Bandcamp listening app.

    Years on Vinyl: Coming soon. Please check back in 1-2 months to order it here.