Are there no other countries in the world? Whole of Europe??

Congressman says Israel is America's only true friend

Wednesday, December 05, 2012 |  Israel Today Staff  


They say that a friend in need is a friend indeed. If that's the case, then US Congressman Ted Poe (Texas) considers Israel to be America's only true "friend indeed" in the world today.

At a recent House of Representatives session to remember the victims of Hurricane Sandy, Poe noted that of all the nations to which the US provides aid, Israel was the only one to turn around and return the favor in America's time of need.

"As waves crashed across the east coast...taxpayer dollars were still being funneled as foreign aid around the globe," said Poe. "While families watched...Sandy [wash] away their homes and livelihoods...over 158 countries were still busy cashing checks from America."

Poe continued: "Out of all the countries we give aid to, I understand Israel was the only country to send a lifeboat in the wind and rain and flood to help our victims in America. ...The Israel Flying Aid organization [provided] gas to hospitals and batteries, food, and generators to [the] victims."

The congressman pointed out that while American has done much to aid peoples around the world, "many of them hate us."

Poe concluded by suggesting that "the United States needs to re-evaluate giving foreign aid to nations that hate us," while ensuring that thanks "be given to our faithful ally Israel."

Israel Flying Aid is an independent Israeli humanitarian aid network that operates under the auspices of the government-run IsraAID organization.

The bulk of the funds needed to help the Hurricane Sandy victims were reportedly donated by Israelis living in America.