How do I Teach my Children to be Grateful? 

See Rabbi Pliskin's new book "Self-Confidence"

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A common question that parents ask is, "How do I teach my children to be grateful?"

Be role models of gratitude yourself.

Let your children frequently hear that you are grateful to Hashem for all the good He has given you in your life.

Let your children frequently hear you say that you are grateful to your parents for what they have done for you and what they have taught you.

Let your children frequently hear that you are grateful for friends, relatives and neighbors who have done things for you, recently and a long time ago.

Let your children frequently hear that you are grateful to them for the positive things they do.

(From Rabbi Zelig Pliskin's book: Thank You! Gratitude: Formulas, Stories, and Insights: Artscroll Publishers)

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