15-7-2011 How can we easily reduce to a high degree mortality in hospitals!!???


Subject:How can we easily reduce to a high degree mortality in hospitals!!???


Sometimes I feel frustrated and this a bad "mida" according to Chazal [our Wise people, our Rabbis]

 So, I will have to change that, whatever the reason is.

[of course one always tends to say: "aval", but..........to defend oneself]

As we know this "but" destroys the real intentions [an example from Tenach: David Ha-Melech did not say "but" when he was admonished by the Prophet!]

If I don't manage otherwise then maybe I should try:

Acupressure Points for Moving Qi  [treatment for frustration]

A popular treatment for the stress, anger, and frustration associated with Liver Qi Stagnation is known as the “four gates.” The four gates are the right and left side acupuncture points Lv 3–Liver 3 (Taichong) and Large LI 4–Large Intestine 4 (Hegu). 

Now about a very serious subject : 

How can you easily reduce mortality in hospitals!!???

It is so  simple and known for such a long time!!


I wrote you in the past about copper and I "repaste"  a piece of the text here:

...............What may be less known is that copper does not sustain any bacteria growth on its surface and there fore it would be ideal to use this metal for door knobs especially in hospitals.


Copy of the past:

And to devise [plans] with ingenuity, to execute [those plans] in gold, in silver and in copper." Vayakhel: Shemot/Exodus, Chapter 35 Verse 32:

  He made the Basin [ Kior ] out of copper and its base out of copper, from the mirrors of the women who had gathered at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting Vayakhel: Shemot/Exodus, Chapter 38 Verse 8:

 The Kior was the basin in which the Kohanim washed their hands and feet every day at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting

And today I will discuss some "medical issues" in connection with copper
Copper is -as everybody know- an excellent conductor [the second best after silver] and therefore used in electricity wires.
What may be less known is that copper does not sustain any bacteria growth on its surface and there fore it would be ideal to use this metal for door knobs especially in hospitals.
Is it not remarkable that the "Healer of all flesh" commanded that the Kior in the mishkan [Tabernacle] had to be made of copper?
The kohanim had to do the ritual washing form the copper basin!
[yes , I do realize that the Torah is not a medical hand book]

When still a medical student we learned already to use a copper sulphate solution for nasty skin infections like IMPETIGO. This solution was known as Eau d'Alibour and contained cuprum [copper] .

I have been using it for many years, to be made up at home and to be used locally on impetigo,pustules etc


dissolve 1 gram copper sulphate powder[small blue crystals] in one liter water [it should be totally dissolved]

Use only externally!


As it was so often not easily available at pharmacies [very cheap!] I prescirbed if far less then I wished to do .

I copy now some excerpts from the Internet to show you that copper in medicine is not "just discovered".

Now "my frustration": Why do we have to wait half a century to start thinking applying well known facts??



The reports that have been published concerning the treatment of familial benign chronic pemphigus are, for the most part,discouraging.

Because of the repeated observation of the staphylococcus1 and the occasional presence of short-chained streptococcus1b in the vesicles, bullae and crusts characteristic of this affliction, the use of local antiseptics has been the most popular therapeutic approach. Beneficial effects have been noted from the local applications of ammoniated mercury ointment in 1 per cent to 3 per cent concentration,2 boric acid ointment2b and mildly antiseptic wet dressings, including alibour water (water containing zinc and copper sulfates.)2 Superficial roentgen therapy has been successful in some patients,3 but in others has proved ineffective.4Ultraviolet irradiation produced no improvement in a patient treated by Lynch.1d

In an endeavor to achieve more permanent results, many types of internal therapy have been tried. The intravenous injections of. . . [Full Text PDF of this Article]



Robert P. Little, M.D. 

Arch Derm Syphilol. 1944;49(5):357.

To the Editor:—Alibour was a Frenchman. Eau d'Alibour literally means "water of Alibour" or in English idiom, "Alibour's water." The solution of zinc and copper sulfates which Alibour described should be so designated. To call it "Dalibour water" is a misconception, for the "d" is not a part of the name but is the contracted form of the preposition by which the possessive idea is expressed in French. Burow's solution the French would write as "liqueur de Burow." In translating this from the French it would be incorrect to say "De burow solution." Likewise, one should not say "Dalibour water" but should call it "Alibour's water."


NaturalNews) A new study presented at the World Health Organization's (WHO) 1st International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control (ICPIC) in Geneva, Switzerland, has revealed that the use of antimicrobial copper surfaces in hospitals helps reduce the rate of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) by 40 percent. The metal also effectively kills 97 percent of bacteria, as well as many viral and fungal pathogens.


Conducted at three intensive care units (ICUs) in the US, the study found that when conventional surfaces were replaced withcoppersurfaces, patient HAI rates dropped by 40.4 percent. And direct tests involving deadly pathogens and copper surfaces revealed that the antimicrobial metal quickly and effectively kills the vast majority of pathogens it comes into contact with, including many pathogens that have developedresistanceto antibiotics and other drug interventions.


"Copper's rapid destruction of pathogens could prevent mutational resistance developing and also help reduce the spread ofantibioticresistance genes to receptive and potentially more virulent organisms, as well asgenesresponsible for virulence," said Prof. Bill Keevil, head of the Microbiology Group and director of the Environmental Healthcare Unit at the University of Southampton in the UK.


"Additionally, copper touch surfaces could have a key role in preventing the transmission of healthcare-associated infections. Extensive laboratory tests have demonstrated copper's antimicrobial efficacy against key organisms responsible for these infections, and clinical trials around the world are now reporting on its efficacy in busy, real-world environments."


The findings support previous ones involving antimicrobialsilver, which is also known to have powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal capabilities. In 2008, a company actually developed antimicrobial silver hospital pajamas for patients concerned about contracting deadly hospital super bugs like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (http://www.naturalnews.com/023879_s...).


"Bacteria present on ICU room surfaces are probably responsible for 35 to 80 percent of patient infections, demonstrating how critical it is to keephospitalsclean," said Dr. Michael Schmidt, professor and vice chairman of Microbiology and Immunology at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), one of the three hospitals involved in the trial.


"The copper objects used in the clinical trial supplemented cleaning protocols, lowered microbial levels, and resulted in a statistically significant reduction in the number of infections contracted by patients treated in those rooms."


Sources for this story include:






Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/033008_copper_antimicrobial.html#ixzz1S9zGT6BT