Wat genetica en Hebreeuws /some genetics and hebrew





Ha-Shana........... ------------



What might be the connection between (male) and [memory]..................let's look at some genetics and maybe one can find a hint there. All human cells have 23 chromosomes [see for explanation below] In all human cells one can find very tiny "threads" ,which are arranged in pairs,called chromosomes.

Imagine each chromosomes as consisting of two threads,one thread you received from your mother and one from tour father. We will use the word "threads" again and again as it is easily imaginable what is meant with this.

There are 22 homolog chromosomes,meaning that each chromosome has 2 threads are very alike [ the other chromosome pairs are each totally different but again: the pair of threads of each chromosome of the 22 are alike]

22 threads you got from your mother and 22 threads from your father. To repeat:All the 22 pairs are quite different from each other[one pair is long,one short,one bend,one straight etc] but in each pair the 2 threads- forming the pair- are very identical to each other[this is called :homolog] Along each thread are located many thousands of genes,each consisting of DNA, each time the gen inherited from the father is situated opposite the gen of the mother on the second thread [One gen comes from the father and the other one from the mother.] Each gen is thus represented by a pair of 2 so called alleles[2 gens] The 2 alleles may be the same or they may be different When both genes on the 2 threads are the same we call this . A heterozygous condition occurs when both alleles are different[for example:one gene would express itself in blue eyes and one in green eyes............it is then dependent if one gene is dominant which is then going to decide the eye color or none of the 2 gens are dominant and they both express them self and the child may have blue green eyes A gene decide for example which eye color one will have,which kind of hair : curly or straight hair,and so one [sometimes more genes are involved in one process or one gene influences more then one feature]

One pair of chromosomes of the 23 pairs] is different and this is the so called sex chromosome.

Each person normally has one pair of sex chromosomes in each cell. Females have two X chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y chromosome. When an egg and sperm combine the female always contributes an X chromosome[via the egg] and the male can contribute an X or an Y chromosome via the sperm. So: if 2 X chromosomes are given[one by the egg and one by the sperm]..............we get a girl. If one X [from the mother] and one Y [from the father] are given we get a boy. So ,one could say that a girl is formed by 2 X chromosomes and one "may say that the father is not remembered in/by the 2 X chromosomes["'Theoretically" the 2 X could have both been delivered by the mother [which is of course irrelevant] Only when a boy is born is the father "clearly" remembered by the Y chromosome which is specific for the father and which can't be given by the mother. Could this hint to the connection between the words (= male] and [memory]?? The boy is brought in memory [remembered] only specifically by the Y chromosome from the father! Both- and ] have the same root [ ] but I could not find any "reasonable" explanation why these words are connected and therefore I brought this hypothesis. For honesty: a colleague told me about a new field of "Mitochondrial genetics" which could complicate my simple thoughts but as this is still a new field [and the XX - genetics is much more established ] let's keep it this way. Etymologically it may be interesting that soger= to close may be connected with









[closing in the information in part of the brain,but this does not help us to explain the connection with zachar,unless males would excel in this field..........................!? Another small hint: zachor [remember ].............only a for the males! [for the ]

Shana . Tova!

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